When people are as contrite as the folks at JetBlue, you have to forgive them, right?
It will also forgive some basis of the loan if individuals go into public service careers.
It urges the Kalenjin to "love your neighbours" and "if they wrong you, forgive them".
The Rolling Jubilee Fund by its own admission can only forgive the debts of a few.
"I hope to eventually forgive her one day for myself, not for her, " Morgan Heist said.
Lee Heist later remarried and said he will learn to forgive his former wife.
Sadness at being caught, at the incontrovertible knowledge that she will never forgive you.
But true friendship -- and I hope you will forgive me, but true friendship demands honesty.
Please forgive my moaning about the teas and luncheons you set up for Izzy.
The Celtics were already safely in New York, but forgive Steve Pagliuca for forgetting.
Those who regarded the poll tax as an evil abomination will, equally, neither forgive nor forget.
The solution receiving the most buzz is an idea to forgive all student loan debt.
FORBES: Student Loan Borrowers Need Help to Understand Repayment Rights
People will forgive a short man with a beautiful wife if he seems sufficiently surprised.
Are they going to forgive me when I can't react and listen to them?
We seem to forget and forgive and don't come up with a constructive plan.
Married women with children were twice as likely as unmarried women to forgive a cheater.
FORBES: Poll: 10% Of Wives Would Forgive Arnold Schwarzenegger
So forgive me for not placing a lot of weight on their current opinions.
Once again, please forgive the narrow slant of this email, both in content and geography.
But Barry Steenkamp said that if Pistorius tells the truth, he might someday forgive him.
It's easy to forgive short-sleeves in a climate that is often balmy and sometimes scalding.
They saw the comic potential of his hairdresser roots, if you forgive me that dreadful pun.
It didn't take us long to forgive them, about 30 seconds right after we got ours.
One imagines the league will forgive Flacco his outburst, given the circumstances, but who knows?
FORBES: Will the NFL Fine Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco For On-Camera Profanity?
Tribes: Ascend is a fast-paced, highly entertaining shooter almost fun enough to forgive the free-to-play model.
If you're willing to forgive those minor visual flaws, the download awaits at the source below.
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They are unlikely to forgive him for their sufferings as readily as they have Fidel.
Nor is it likely to forgive their debts, freeing them to make new investments.
He wants rich countries to forgive all bilateral concessional loans and 90% of all non-concessional loans.
Do you trust them to forgive you if you make a huge, embarrassing mistake?
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If you will forgive me, you know someone has once likened government to a baby.