• Although a bit bare bones at the moment, the Friends of the Beacon Food Forest website has additional information on the project including the design master plan.

    FORBES: Written by Matt Hickman

  • So what exactly is a food forest, you ask?

    FORBES: Written by Matt Hickman

  • For example: if a company somewhere in Africa chops down a forest to grow food destined for Europe, and that deforestation wrecks the water supply used by villagers, who's to blame - the Africans or the Europeans?

    BBC: The joylessness of shopping

  • Over the past few days, permaculture practitioners and urban food policy followers not just in the Emerald City but around the globe have been positively abuzz with news that a hilly and undeveloped 7-acre parcel of land owned by Seattle Public Utilities will be transformed into a lush, forager-friendly wonderland called the Beacon Food Forest.

    FORBES: Written by Matt Hickman

  • With better growing conditions there may be more food and forest products for harvesting, and that means lower prices for consumers.

    BBC: Climate chaos: Transcript

  • With one tree able to produce as much as 400 pounds of food a year, using the Maya nut prevents rain forest clear-cutting to harvest other foods and increases populations' food supplies.

    CNN: Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest

  • Christian Kitchen said it cooked its food at a location in Forest Road before driving down to the town centre and about 50 people ate there every night.

    BBC: Waltham Forest faces legal action over soup kitchen move

  • Together they create relationships to form a forest garden ecosystem able to produce high yields of food with less maintenance.

    FORBES: Written by Matt Hickman

  • Lightner has a fondness for things found on forest floors, but his technical skill is what defines the food, which is showcased up front in a series of amuses inspired by the flavors and textures of snacks: crunchy, salty, sticky, chewy.

    NEWYORKER: Atera

  • In return, travellers can expect to eat beautiful food cooked with ingredients harvested that day from the forest ((can you give an example?)) and to spend time with Hilda in her kitchen learning to cook the El Salvadorian specialty, pupusas (thick corn tortillas stuffed with cheese, beans and pork).

    BBC: El Salvador rises from the ashes

  • Similarly, the Defense Department has said it might have to furlough 700, 000 civilian employees, and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has been trotted out to warn of the removal of inspectors from U.S. meat plants, an interruption of food aid to needy infants and the closure of forest campgrounds and picnic sites.

    FORBES: Sequester Or No Sequester, Federal Agencies Could Spend Less

  • But the long-term prospects for biomass are best with non-food based feedstocks such as switchgrass, wood chips and forest residues.

    FORBES: America's Best Places For Alternative Energy

  • You pitch your tent right on the platform, each of which has a braai and a sheltered counter for preparing food, and sleep suspended between the treetops and the forest floor.

    BBC: Step back in time in South Africa��s Garden Route

  • As you drive further along the coast, look for seals basking in the sun, bald eagles scanning the area for food and brown bears making their way through the surrounding forest or crossing the road.

    BBC: Journey to Canada��s secret sunshine coast

  • The government launched a consultation on plans to sell off or lease England's 258, 000-hectare public forest estate - currently managed by the Forestry Commission on behalf of the environment, food and rural affairs department - to the private sector or to not for profit organisations, last week.

    BBC: Government urged to rethink forest sell off plan

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