It's a relatively unknown story of an individual who's really the forefather of the black power movement, who laid the intellectual foundation for the Panthers and others.
NPR: 'Negroes with Guns': A Radical Battle with Racism
If the 1970s-1980s-era NFL kick returner, the forefather of Devin Hester, was not the inventor of the end zone dance, he most certainly was the one who made it popular.
FORBES: Excessive Celebration Penalties Are a Pox on Football, No Matter What Bob Costas Says
It is ironic, then, that South Korea's traffic setup was adopted from the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System, an ITS forefather pushed by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in the early 1990s.
CNN: South Korea and Japan streets ahead in smart transport
But Patagonia's forefather isn't quite done with Patagonia yet.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
Unlike their L.A. gangsta rap forefather Ice-T, N.
NPR: 'Straight Outta Compton,' 20 Years Later
No internet forefather asked him for his help.
FORBES: An Internet Carol