• On the streets of one district, the "Lionesses for National Defence" are in action.

    BBC: Homs: War changes the soul of Syrian city

  • In recent years, some groups have campaigned for a National Defence Medal, separate to those awarded for specific campaigns.

    BBC: Military medals system 'needs rapid re-think'

  • Militant movements the National Council for the Defence of Democracy, Palipehutu and Frolina have organised themselves in Congo and Tanzania, from where they carry out raids.

    ECONOMIST: The Hutu-Tutsi divide

  • He could choose the military-dominated Council for Defence and National Security a panel created by President Leghari just before Mr Sharif's election, which is meant to advise the prime minister.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • Tensions persist within the newly integrated forces of the Congolese army, which include a powerful Tutsi militia, called the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), that may retain its old command structure inside Congo's army.

    ECONOMIST: Strife in eastern Congo

  • The exclusion of a breakaway Hutu opposition alliance called the National Council for the Defence of Democracy and the Forces for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD-FDD) has been considered a reason for the failure of talks so far.

    BBC: New peace talks for Burundi

  • Soothing voices counsel that for all the inflammatory statements about wiping Israel off the map, Iran wants a bomb for national pride and self-defence, not unprovoked aggression.

    ECONOMIST: Fenced in | The

  • Kansas State University, on the western edge of the corridor, is among five sites being considered for the National Bio and Agro-Defence Facility.

    ECONOMIST: Animal health: From stockyards to animal health | The

  • Members of Hezbollah's military wing are reported to have been fighting for month alongside the Syrian army and the National Defence Forces, a pro-government militia allegedly set up and trained by Iran, as they gradually advanced on Qusair and surrounded it.

    BBC: Hezbollah 'perpetuating Assad's campaign of terror'

  • LONDON, England -- Britain is offering tentative support for the United States' proposal to build a national missile defence system.

    CNN: UK signals support for missile plan

  • Phillip Saunders, of the National Defence University in Washington, says the same goes for PLA strategists, who reckon they now have greater power to unsettle America.

    ECONOMIST: A chill in the air at a regional forum

  • Mr Obama and the Republicans are brimming with ideas for freezing discretionary spending, which covers most government operations from defence to national parks.

    ECONOMIST: America's budget deficit

  • He did that by suggesting he would cut "unnecessary and wasteful" defence spending, abolish the children's trust fund and plans for national identity cards, and put the money instead into front-line services.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Kennedy fights to focus on issues

  • In Global Times, Li Jian and Li Daguang, professors at the National Defence University, accuse the US government of smearing China to build support for its own cyber-army following US National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon's call on Monday for China to stop hacking attacks on US companies.

    BBC: China media: Political models

  • Mr Blair excoriated the Tories for their past opposition to women's votes and a national health service, and their present defence of fox-hunting, General Pinochet, and hereditary peers.

    ECONOMIST: Tomorrow belongs to me

  • The balance between revising national defence and security strategy ( or lack thereof) and budget constraints will be picked over for a long time once the SDSR is published, which may be at the end of October.

    FORBES: Can The UK's Cybersecurity Spending Boost Survive The "Age Of Austerity"?

  • Prince Bandar, who is the son of the Saudi defence minister, served for 20 years as US ambassador and is now head of the country's national security council.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Saudi prince 'received arms cash'

  • When I see politicians campaigning relentlessly on their defence of the National Health Service, I often think that this is the unacknowledged subtext: vote for me, and I'll make sure you cease upon the midnight with no pain.

    BBC: A Point of View: The biggest decision

  • "The president agreed that... the policy wasn't working for our national interests, that he committed to change that policy, that he's working with the Secretary of Defence and the joint chiefs on making that happen, " said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs last month.

    BBC: Obama extends same-sex benefits

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