• He shared his philosophy on cooking, food and life through the photos and text.

    CNN: America's food is as diverse as its culture

  • Slow Food was founded in Italy in 1989 to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and to encourage people to be aware about the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.

    FORBES: Slow Food Needs Slow Wine: Italy's Favorite Food Group Launches New Guide Today

  • And yes, gas, food, and life in general are expensive.

    FORBES: College Costs Out Of Control

  • From now on the source of food, wealth and life itself will be information.

    FORBES: What Data Science Can Do To Become A Classic

  • They are preparing to move badly needed water, food, and other life-saving supplies to priority areas in Port-au-Prince.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Updates Haitian Earthquake Relief Efforts | The White House

  • If you find that you are constantly thinking about food, whether you are overweight or not, and your weight and your food obsession are significantly affecting your life and even preventing you from doing things that you enjoy, Ross suggests seeing a therapist or eating disorders specialist for evaluation.

    CNN: Why do I always think about food?

  • They also claim the process does not adversely affect the taste of the food and extends shelf-life by at least one extra day.

    BBC: Plasma device developed to 'sterilise' food

  • Brought to Socotra centuries ago by sailors, they reproduced rapidly and are now a staple of island life, providing both food and income for their owners.

    BBC: Stepping back in time in Socotra

  • These microscopic creatures are at the heart of the ocean food chain, and all sea life depends on them.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | 'Worst' sea bird breeding season

  • Nutritional security was soon added as a key pillar to ensure "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life".

    BBC: 'Pollination crisis' hitting India's vegetable farmers

  • Upon separating from active duty in the USMC in December 1989 to attend the University of South Carolina as a full-time student, I was introduced to veterans' homelessness through VA's Student Work Study Program where I worked twenty hours a week on behalf of homeless veterans to help them secure food, travel, shelter and life's basic needs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

  • "The near-total destruction of the Iraqi marshlands under the regime of Saddam Hussein was a major ecological and human disaster, robbing the Marsh Arabs of a centuries-old culture and way of life as well as food in the form of fish and that most crucial of natural resources, drinking water, " according to Klaus Toepfer, the agency's executive director, whose comments are included in the report.

    CNN: U.N.: Iraq's marshlands recovering

  • It is equal parts inside look at food and inside look at the personal life of the chefs profiled.

    FORBES: Ultimate Foodie Gift Book For The Foodie Who Has Everything

  • Truckloads of food, water and essentials for daily life were sent to New Orleans from American corporations and non-profit organisations.

    ECONOMIST: Fury unleashed by Katrina

  • Securing the role of the ocean as a source of life, of food and of biodiversity, requires effective action at many levels.


  • After all, fast service was supposed to go with fast life and fast food, even if you had to queue up at the check-out counter.

    ECONOMIST: Lord Sainsbury

  • If the ministers act on this recommendation, they will have plugged a vital gap in protecting the food supply of seabirds and other marine life from the threat of overfishing for sandeels.

    BBC: Ministers consider sandeel fishing ban

  • Some of the data it gathered about the abundance of phytoplankton - plant-like organisms that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and provide food for other sea life - could already be monitored by satellite.

    BBC: PacX Wave Glide

  • It affects almost every aspect of human life, from food and water to public safety, as cash-strapped states and cities and towns try to deal with massive wildfires, and the conditions are almost assuredly a result of, and exacerbated by, the global climate crisis the existence of which one entire half of our political spectrum is dedicated to denying.

    FORBES: Beneath a Parched Surface, the Great Midwest Drought of 2012 Doesn't Go Social

  • Would we care more if we could see the higher concentrations of carbon dioxide being absorbed into our oceans, making seawater more acidic, endangering coral reefs and marine life and threatening to fundamentally disrupt ocean ecosystems and food webs?

    CNN: What if carbon dioxide were as black as oil?

  • With the magical mix of spectacular scenery, delicious food and drink and world class sea-life, it is a no-brainer to hire a car and get down there fast.

    BBC: Driving from the top to the tip of Baja California

  • The immediate recipients of the harvest are local individuals, churches, and nonprofit organizations such as the Cedar Manor nursing care center and the Bread of Life Food Pantry.

    WHITEHOUSE: It Takes a County �� to Help Feed Families!

  • Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability sounds the alarm about the health of the ocean, and explains how it influences our everyday life by regulating the climate, providing highly-nutritious food and by sustaining livelihoods and economies.


  • President Obama is also threatening the people with increased risk of life threatening illness and higher food prices.

    FORBES: The Audacity Of Power: President Obama Plays The Bully

  • The reaction of both the public and the government was to provide a camp offering them food and shelter and then to let them slip in unnoticed in their quest for a better life.

    ECONOMIST: France, race and immigration

  • Where the first is expansive, with figures pointing out of the picture plane and with food arranged on the table in the manner of a still-life, the second is more restrained and internal, concentrating on the mystery surrounding Christ, rather than on the dramatic moment of recognition.

    ECONOMIST: Caravaggio

  • We welcomed increasing regional cooperation under the U.S.-Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) in the areas of energy security, health, agriculture and food security, education, connectivity, environment and water, which significantly contributes to quality of life and capacity building among the Lower Mekong Basin countries, and supports ASEAN's aim of narrowing the development gap among its Member States and addressing the common challenges.

    WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting

  • To this end, the PLP emphasise training in, for example, literacy (mathematics, English, Urdu), health, agriculture (crop, fish, poultry and livestock production), life skills (peace-building, conflict management and resolution), food processing and preservation and dressmaking.

    UNESCO: National Literacy Programme (NLP)

  • Monday it brought together fast cars, gourmet food and one rock star showcase how sweet the Amex life lifestyle can be.

    FORBES: The AmEx Life: A Night With Peter Frampton, Mario Batali And Aston Martin

  • Through the garden, she began a discussion with kids about proper nutrition and the role food plays in living a healthy life.

    WHITEHOUSE: ��Let��s Move�� Kick-Off

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