• The second is fiscal: euro-zone governments will be able to manage and reduce their fiscal burdens only with a limited mutualisation of debt.

    ECONOMIST: The future of the European Union

  • But last year, amid the government's fiscal tightening, euro zone's stagnation and rising unemployment, growth slowed rapidly to about 2.4%, according to the International Monetary Fund.

    WSJ: Poland Hints at End to Rate Cuts

  • Both also urge fiscal integration within the euro zone, as well as the introduction of Eurobonds.

    ECONOMIST: France��s Socialists

  • Stricter fiscal rules in the euro zone are a precondition for any strengthening of the firewall, Germany insists.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s coalition

  • There is a lot of talk about fiscal discipline within the euro zone, not least because financial markets are punishing Europe's peripheral economies for their profligacy.

    ECONOMIST: The world economy

  • The third option, and the one the Germans seem to prefer, is a closer fiscal union across the euro zone with stricter rules on debt and deficits.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Blame It on Berlin

  • Yet having been among the most vocal advocates of tighter fiscal discipline in the euro zone, Mr Rutte is hardly in a position to seek leniency from Brussels.

    ECONOMIST: The Netherlands and the euro

  • And will continue to do so until she has persuaded her colleagues to amend the euro-zone treaty to permit Brussels (spelled B-e-r-l-i-n) to control the tax, spending and fiscal policy of euro-zone members.

    WSJ: Agenda | Irwin Stelzer: Euro-Zone Shark Still Has Its Appetite

  • That could also result in additional tensions in the euro zone if Hollande follows through on the issues he campaigned on, including insistence on renegotiation of the recently agreed German-led euro zone fiscal compact.

    FORBES: Slowing U.S. Economy Is Fine But Europe Can Do Real Damage

  • The problems of fiscal deficits generally and Euro zone difficulties in particular are likely to act as a drag on business prospects for companies in the period ahead, especially if the growth markets are affected.

    FORBES: Richemont Reports Widespread Sales Growth but Cautions on Future Profits

  • Although the French government frequently called for better balancing fiscal discipline and euro-zone solidarity, Mr. Sarkozy sided with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make sure all members of the monetary union stuck to a stringent diet.

    WSJ: Sarkozy Fights for Survival

  • His base case scenario has Europe surviving this current debacle and devising a fiscal union that makes the euro zone stronger than ever.

    FORBES: Where To Invest When There's Nowhere To Hide

  • The alternative idea that Cyprus could be spared this fate by a fiscal transfer or direct euro-zone recapitalization of its banks an idea encouraged by some southern euro-zone members was pure pure fantasy.

    WSJ: Euro Zone Moving Into Twilight Zone

  • The new euro-zone fiscal rules, improved budget discipline and decisive action by the ECB mean "we have the room to make fiscal policy with a more medium-term perspective, " Mr. Rehn wrote in his blog.

    WSJ: In Small, Measured Steps, Europe Loosens Austerity

  • Earlier, stocks had posted stronger gains after French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they had agreed on a new euro-zone fiscal program to combat the debt crisis, and Italy's new prime minister outlined a new austerity plan.

    WSJ: Stocks Off Highs After Report on EU Ratings

  • Faced with an opportunity last December to wring concessions out of Brussels in return for supporting the euro-zone Fiscal Pact, he opted to make highly technical, apparently innocuous but actually implausible demands relating to the City of London, including a veto over single market financial rules.

    WSJ: Cameron Main Threat to Britain In Europe

  • They note the broad welcome for his plan to add pro-growth measures to the euro zone's fiscal austerity.

    ECONOMIST: France��s president

  • Spanish and Italian assets were under pressure again amid concerns about Spain's fiscal outlook and the sluggish euro-zone data.

    WSJ: European Stocks Slide

  • Before the crisis Spain was well within the euro zone's fiscal rules.

    ECONOMIST: The euro crisis: How to save Spain | The

  • And in both Britain and the euro zone, fiercer fiscal tightening can and should be countered by central banks keeping monetary policy looser for longer.

    ECONOMIST: Myths about fiscal austerity

  • Following the weekend political developments in France and the Netherlands, the German-inspired fiscal pact, agreed by euro-zone leaders in Brussels in December, could also be delayed or thrown into question.

    WSJ: Sarkozy Fights for Survival

  • More recently, politicians have had to accept debt brakes and other devices to limit borrowing and many have submitted to external surveillance by independent monitors such as the U.K.'s Office for Budget Responsibility or, under the euro zone's Fiscal Pact, by the European Commission.

    WSJ: What Will New World Order Look Like?

  • That would be politically incendiary and, by raising the real burden of their debt, would make these countries' fiscal problems and hence the euro zone's woes even deeper.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s economy

  • The extra cuts are needed to deal with what forecasters say would otherwise be a 2013 budget deficit of 4.5% of GDP, way over the 3% limit enshrined in the euro zone's new fiscal pact.

    ECONOMIST: The Netherlands and the euro

  • Monetary and fiscal policies became disconnected in Europe because the euro zone lacked this feature.

    FORBES: The United States Need Not Become Europe

  • Messily, perhaps, European leaders are at least debating some of the right questions: what degree of fiscal federalism and risk-sharing does the euro zone need to overcome the crisis?

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Moody's cut its forecast for the U.K. economy, saying Britain's economic and fiscal outlook have weakened due to the euro-zone crisis, though it kept its negative outlook and triple-A credit rating on the country.

    WSJ: What's News

  • More recently profligate countries in the euro zone have hidden behind German fiscal credibility and low interest rates to build a way of life that they could not afford, and which the Greek debt crisis blew apart a few months ago.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne: Calling time on progress | The

  • Mr. Draghi pointed to the imminent conclusion of a fiscal pact that will expand the scope for euro-zone countries to keep each other's budget policies on the straight and narrow.

    WSJ: ECB Chief Says Bank Helped Avert Disaster

  • Investors will be watching the Euro summit closely on Thursday and Friday, where leaders are expected to push for a new Euro-zone treaty that imposes tighter fiscal budgetary rules and harsher sanctions for violating them.

    FORBES: Stocks Lower On Commerzbank Worries

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