• Most observers in Bangladesh agree that there is widespread public support for the trials, which kicked off in 2010 when the first tribunal was set up.

    BBC: Bangladesh's watershed war crimes moment

  • Former Labour minister Lord Bach said the government had failed to honour an earlier commitment by former Lord Chancellor Kenneth Clarke to allow support in "point of law" cases at the first-tier tribunal level - the first stage of the tribunal process.

    BBC: Legal aid: Government defeated in Lords

  • Rangers disputed this and a First Tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) ruled the scheme did not breach tax law.

    BBC: HMRC launches appeal against Rangers tax case ruling

  • The First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Fees Order 2011 also sets out conditions under which an appellant may be exempt from paying or have the fee refunded.

    BBC: Government to set fees for immigration appeals

  • The First-tier Tribunal Special Educational Needs and Disability found the school failed to protect a vulnerable disabled pupil who was a victim of grooming and sexual abuse by male pupils at the school.

    BBC: Stanbridge Earls School

  • In his statement, Sir David said he was "pleased" with the judgement of the first tier tax tribunal's judgement on Rangers, which ruled in favour of the club's use of Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs).

    BBC: Sir David Murray

  • Lawyers acting for Khan had gone to the Court of Session in Edinburgh after his appeal to a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) against deportation was rejected and he was refused permission to have his case heard at an Upper Tribunal (UT).

    BBC: Wife-killer Nabeel Khan loses deportation case

  • In becoming the first modern international tribunal to convict a head of state for international crimes committed while in office, the Special Court sent a clear signal that neither rank nor title will shield from justice those who perpetrate the most egregious of crimes.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The first is the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, based in Hamburg.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Key critics dissect arguments for LOST

  • The tribunal was the first international body for the prosecution of war crimes since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials held in the aftermath of World War II.

    BBC: ICTY logo

  • The tribunal has its first public session on Tuesday.

    BBC: Smithwick tribunal deadline - victims group 'concerned'

  • John Bellinger, the State Department's legal advisor, says officials are already working out the modalities of moving the Taylor trial to the International Criminal Court, the world's first anti-war crimes tribunal and a court the U.S. opposes.

    NPR: Taylor War Crimes Trial Worries West Africa

  • On Thursday, Bosnian authorities arrested two Muslims sought by the tribunal, marking the first time indicted Bosnians have been detained by their own government.

    CNN: Mladic, Karadzic still at large

  • Five months after it started work, he says he is ready to recommend the first indictment as soon as the tribunal's Cambodian and international jurists have agreed on its rules of procedure.

    ECONOMIST: Cambodia

  • The majority of the population here appears to favour seeing Milosevic tried in Serbia first and then eventually at the War Crimes Tribunal.

    CNN: Q&A: Yugoslavia donor conference

  • Thomas Karremans, told The Hague tribunal in 1996 that he had first requested NATO air strikes when Mladic's troops began their assault on July 6, but that the request was not granted until July 11 when Srebrenica fell.

    CNN: Srebrenica: Worst European atrocity since WWII

  • But Vinje doubts that the European Court of First Instance, the EU's second highest tribunal to which Intel is lodging its appeal, will take that allegation.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • Allegations that business department officials used private email addresses to seek to circumvent FOI surfaced in an employment tribunal case involving Nominet, which was first reported last month after legal restrictions were lifted.

    BBC: FOI, fear and personal emails for public business

  • Previously, it had insisted that Serbia must first arrest General Ratko Mladic, indicted by the war-crimes tribunal.

    ECONOMIST: Kosovo's future

  • First, he has said he will apply to the Federal Electoral Tribunal for an injunction to re-establish his political rights, and may also seek redress in international human-rights tribunals.

    ECONOMIST: Politics in Mexico

  • Last month, the tribunal sentenced former party member Abul Kalam Azad to death in the first war-crimes trial verdict.

    NPR: Bangladesh Jails Islamic Party Leader To Life

  • But proponents of the system, which allows a victim to address the tribunal, said it reduced prison congestion and allowed survivors to hear first-hand what happened to their family members who were killed.


  • Taylor is the first African head of state to go on trial for war crimes before an international tribunal.

    CNN: Charles Taylor refutes 'malicious' accusations at war crimes trial

  • First, he rejected Secretary-General Kofi Annan's recommendation of an international tribunal similar to the ones for Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | CAMBODIA: Will Justice Ever be Served?

  • Oviedo first ran for president in 1998, but he was taken out of the running after a military tribunal sentenced him to 10 years in prison for his role in a 1996 coup attempt.


  • During the failed first effort to prosecute them at the U.S. base in Cuba, Mr. Mohammed has mocked the tribunal and said he and his co-defendants would plead guilty and welcome execution.

    WSJ: 9/11 Defendants Stage Protest at Guantanamo Hearing

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