• In 2012, total credit financing grew 20%, with trust loans up 80%, FX loans up 27% and bond financing increasing 45%.

    FORBES: Why A China Crash May Be Imminent

  • With the help of junk bond financing from Michael Milken, Hurwitz took over Simplicity Pattern Co.

    FORBES: Timber!

  • Otherwise, with no deal activity, bond financing remains depressed along with the equity underwriting calendar.

    FORBES: Pain On The Corner Of Wall And Main

  • Silicon Valley-style venture capital emerged during the 1970s, as did venture debt, better (and unfortunately) known as junk bond financing.

    FORBES: Will the Entrepreneur Boom Miss the U.S.?

  • Funding for such projects comes from generous private donors, cash generation from hospital operations and new bond financing, as well as government grants.

    WSJ: Children's Hospitals Make Room for Mom, Dad and Diversions

  • Thanks to the Great Fire of Copenhagen in 1795, long before America's fancy mortgage-backed securities first appeared, private Danish banks began financing mortgages through bond issues.

    ECONOMIST: Mortgage markets

  • The CIT will provide some capital, bond financing and grants.

    ECONOMIST: Investing in infrastructure: A question of trust | The

  • Obama favors a new bond-financing program similar to a now-expired one that was created for states and municipalities to stimulate infrastructure construction.


  • And you have to add to it, from a financing point of view, the bond issuance to refinance the banks.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • Using a combination of junk bond debt and bank financing, Singleton and his 87-year-old partner, Richard Scudder, are masters at bunching smallish suburban and hick-town papers around metro areas and skimming off advertising revenue that would otherwise go to the big paper in the city.

    FORBES: Where's Dean?

  • As lawmakers wrangled over budget cuts, tax increases and fiscal ideology in the third quarter of last year, businesses pulled back from merger activity and the financing of risk taking through stock and bond issuance.

    FORBES: Goldman Sachs Can Fall Off the Fiscal Cliff

  • "No one can question the deterioration in the sovereign balance sheet or banking system, but it seems counterintuitive to cite possible financing gaps when a large, " bond issuance was about to close, said Richard Segal, emerging market strategist at Jefferies International.

    WSJ: Slovenia Bond Sale Postponed

  • Money market rates near zero and corporate bond buyers starving for yield make financing easier and cheaper than ever before.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The bank's president, Jens Weidmann, was left to issue a statement that he regarded the bond purchases as "tantamount to financing governments by printing banknotes".

    BBC: Eurozone crisis: From deutschmark to lira?

  • Midwest Fertilizer Corp. officials estimate they shaved off up to two percentage points, to about 5% from about 7%, borrowing through the disaster-bond program compared with typical commercial financing.

    WSJ: 'Disaster Bonds' Miss Their Mark

  • Maersk's move to raise funds through a bond issue in September rather than through bank financing, which is still eye-wateringly expensive for shipping firms, is probably another sign of its resilience.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "The merry-go-round will stop, and they are not all going to get financing, " said Eric Thompson, a managing director at Kroll Bond Rating Agency.

    WSJ: Commercial Property Owners Facing Higher Rates

  • But the idea of a common bond to help weaker countries, which would raise the financing costs of stronger ones, may be a non-starter.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • Japanese co-financing with the World Bank, and large commercial bank credits and sovereign bond offerings will comprise the bulk of this year's remaining amount.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • If the bond markets dry up, there will not be much prospect of emerging economies financing themselves in other ways.

    ECONOMIST: Riding for a fall

  • Mr Draghi knows that bond-buying alarms the Germans, who regard it as close to monetary financing of states, which is banned by the European treaty establishing the euro.

    ECONOMIST: Central banks (1)

  • The bond's real significance is that it diversifies Vietnam's sources of financing and establishes a benchmark for future capital raisings, says Le Thi Bang Tam, the vice-finance minister.

    ECONOMIST: Vietnam's maiden international bond: Hanoi calling | The

  • While bank lending remained an important source of financing, companies of all sizes and all credit ratings had the option of accessing the bond markets and, by the end of the 1980s through the issuance of high yield securities, a different universe of creditors.

    FORBES: Junk Bonds Come To China

  • Raising equity at that valuation is out of the question, and with conventional bank loans in China having a maximum term of one year, Tri-Tech turned to the bond market, a new source of capital in China, to obtain longer term financing.

    FORBES: China's SMEs Access The Bond Market

  • Financing is cheap on loans used to finance leverage buyouts: The average yield in the junk-bond market is at its lowest level since October 2007, falling to 8.7%.

    FORBES: Buy These Small-Caps Before They Get Big

  • Small businesses are more dependent on external sources of financing because they have less ability to offset their exposure to financial crises through hedging and have less access to the bond markets, he said.

    WSJ: Post-Recession Loans Lag

  • According to International Financing Review, U.S. and international companies continued to take advantage of a stronger tone in the corporate bond market on Monday, with a number of deals expected to price later in the session.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • With foreign central banks owning half the supply of Treasuries and the Fed buying 70% of new issuance, President Obama and his allies in Congress have felt no financing pressure to back down on spending, just as Bernanke has been able to justify his existence by the strong bond market.

    FORBES: The Krugman/Bernanke Gambit Is Up

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