• To restore sustainable growth, it said in an extraordinary footnote to its policy changes this week, it is essential to reform the financial system, the economy and industry.

    ECONOMIST: Another false dawn? | The

  • While we can't underestimate the challenges we face, we also can't underestimate our capacity to overcome them--to summon that spirit of determination and optimism that has always defined us and move forward in a new direction to create new jobs, reform our financial system and fuel long-term economic growth.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Goolsbee, along with dogmatic reactionaries such as Paul Krugman, studiously ignore the implications of the utterly damning critique of the fiduciary currency system by The Bank of England last December in its paper titled Reform of the International Financial System.

    FORBES: Signs Of The Gold Standard Are Increasingly Emerging...Worldwide

  • Under the auspices of the Financial Stability Board, more than 30 recommendations have been set out as part of a massive and far-reaching G-20 financial regulatory reform package to ostensibly minimize risk in the financial system and maximize consumer protection.

    FORBES: Will Financial Regulation Trash Global Economic Security?

  • This matters as the plan calls for big structural changes, including thorough reform of the financial system.

    ECONOMIST: Latvia has chosen economic torture over complete collapse

  • Take the money out of his hands, reform a corrupt financial system and you could reduce the violence.

    FORBES: Auditing Arafat

  • He has also been closely involved in attempts to reform the international financial system for the last three decades.

    BBC: Obama makes crisis the priority

  • What better way for lawmakers to demonstrate their resolve to reform the financial regulatory system than to go after Goldman?

    FORBES: The Emperor Had No Clothes

  • So will reform of the financial system.

    FORBES: Election 2008

  • And though the rising tide of China's economy undoubtedly has the power to lift all boats, there are worrying rigidities in the system, caused by the under-development of its financial system and the fact that economic reform has not been accompanied by political reform.

    ECONOMIST: China contemplates change | The

  • The youth say their concerns about recent changes in financial aid, the educational system, healthcare reform, affirmative action, terrorism, unemployment and economic stability should be taken seriously.

    CNN: Howard students challenge candidates on economy

  • So far, the clearest expression of a coherent BRIC agenda for reform of the international financial system and more domestic stimulus programmes came on the eve of a G20 meeting in 2008.


  • So much else rides on reform: A more open financial system and the chance to reduce currency rubs with other major trading nations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Instead, the focus on Japan shifted to how it needed to reform its corporate structure and financial system to be able to regain some of its former glory.

    FORBES: Are Chinese State Owned Enterprises A Threat To U.S. Companies?

  • They've lost their job because we had a risky financial system of which the President wants financial regulatory reform to lay down rules of the road so it never happens again.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Meanwhile, leaders from the G20 countries headed to Washington for an economic summit, dubbed Bretton Woods 2 , on November 15th that will discuss reform of the world's financial system.

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week

  • Stiglitz was chair of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress in 2008 and last year was appointed to the United Nations General Assembly as chair of the Commission of Experts on Reform of the International Financial and Monetary System.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Briefing Book

  • Again, I think it has been clear for far more than two years about where the President -- the role the President believes financial reform needs to play in cleaning up our system.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Together, we passed Wall Street reform, to protect consumers in our financial system and put an end to taxpayer bailouts and stop the abuses that almost dragged our economy into another Great Depression.

    WHITEHOUSE: Making the Right Choice for the Economy

  • But on consumer protection, which really is the issue that arguably sits at the heart of what everyday Americans care about and how they are dealt with by the financial system, the Republicans have continued to oppose serious efforts at reform.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • They want to roll back Wall Street reform so that we end up with the same financial system we had that got us into this mess in the first place.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Millers Creek, North Carolina | The White House

  • Righting them will require wholesale reform both of financial regulation and of the entire global monetary system.

    ECONOMIST: The financial crisis and the future of regulation

  • According to this report, the steps we took this year to reform the health care system have put Medicare on a sounder financial footing.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Medicare Officially Safer After Health Reform | The White House

  • Any politician of either party who voted for TARP and votes for the current reform legislation is not sufficiently serious about fixing our government or financial system.

    FORBES: The Inept Financial Reform Bill

  • The Senate passed a financial regulatory bill Thursday evening that would be the most sweeping reform of the banking system since the 1930s.

    FORBES: Score Another For Obama As Senate Passes Wall Street Reform

  • Look, I think in many ways as these are complicated -- as the financial system is -- has a series of very complicated instruments, in many ways reform is simple in the premise of having it brought out of the dark and into the light, having the measure of transparency and regulation is a fairly simple concept in moving important reforms forward.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Now it is back at the front line of gargantuan bail-out packages, wrangling over government spending and tax reform, and attempts to stop sovereign defaults further disturbing the jittery global financial system.

    ECONOMIST: The Russian default

  • Unfortunately the whole point of financial regulatory reform was to improve access to credit for the middle class and to fix the banking system so the economy can rebound.

    FORBES: Unintended Consequence Of FinReg: Banks Look Abroad

  • Green group leader Rebecca Harms said that there needed to be wide ranging reform of Europe's banking system such as banning hedge funds and introducing a financial transaction tax, a call echoed by Lothar Bisky, the leader of the far-left group.

    BBC: European Parliament

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