• "We have carried out extensive research into the current account market and the findings tell us that customers want simplicity, transparency and good value for money, " said Nick Kennett, director of financial services at the Post Office.

    BBC: Post Office to offer current accounts

  • Monitor and advise the Director of Office or the designate on the financial status of projects and programmes.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Fees on these loans also can reach 33% of the outstanding balance if a student becomes seriously delinquent, according to Thomas Melecki, the director of the university's office of student financial services.

    FORBES: Money Builder

  • "The Administration holds firm to the principle of self-funding as the means of ensuring the Postal Service continues to meet all its financial obligations, " U.S. Office of Personnel Management Acting Director Dan G.


  • Advise and support the Director of Office or the designate on all administration, budget, financial, human resources, premises-related and security matters within the Office.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

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