• NPR's Adam Davidson reports on the extraordinary effort required to get the financial infrastructure of New Orleans rebuilt.

    NPR: Gulf Banks Vie to Help Hurricane Victims

  • In periods of extreme stress, however, the quality of the financial infrastructure may prove critical.

    FORBES: Transcript

  • The concern was over a foreign entity acquiring control of core Australian financial infrastructure.

    WSJ: Australia's ASX Keeps Equities Clearing Role

  • The financial infrastructure also has important effects on how market participants respond to perceived changes in counterparty risk.

    FORBES: Reducing Systemic Risk

  • Mosaic is working to build the financial infrastructure for the clean energy economy.

    FORBES: Solar Crowd-Funding: Assembling the Mosaic

  • Restrictions on trade disproportionately affect U.S. small businesses who lack the transportation and financial infrastructure to skirt the embargo.

    FORBES: It's Time For The U.S. To End Its Senseless Embargo Of Cuba

  • Of course, a robust financial infrastructure has many benefits even in normal times, including lower transactions costs and greater market liquidity.

    FORBES: Reducing Systemic Risk

  • Developing economies in Africa and the Middle East, where financial infrastructure is sorely limited, are leading the way in mobile commerce deployments.

    FORBES: Written by Marty Beard

  • Essentially, bitcoin is a reaction to three separate and ongoing developments: centralized monetary authority, diminishing financial privacy, and the entrenched legacy financial infrastructure.

    FORBES: Bitcoin Prevents Monetary Tyranny

  • But Mr Prasad's more ambivalent take suggests poorer countries, lacking financial infrastructure, might want to hang on to that idea a bit longer.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • They may provide the technical and financial infrastructure that keeps the business going, but most of the creative input comes from independent firms and freelancers.

    ECONOMIST: How to remake a city

  • Work on the financial infrastructure is already well under way, and I expect further progress as the public and private sectors cooperate to address common concerns.

    FORBES: Transcript

  • The Tea Party has shown its grassroots power, but from its beginning had an electoral and financial infrastructure and a huge influence on the Republican Party.

    FORBES: The Left Brewing Its Own Tea

  • The financial infrastructure is high friction and expensive to run.

    FORBES: How to Invest Smart When Money Is In Short Supply

  • As a result, players can access our games from areas of poor financial infrastructure, or can play exciting high stakes games quickly without waiting for a bank wire transfer to be processed.

    FORBES: WinPoker Becomes First Major Gambling Operator To Adopt Bitcoin

  • Yet another key component of the software of the financial infrastructure is the set of rules and procedures used to resolve claims on a market participant that has defaulted on its obligations.

    FORBES: Transcript

  • This experience has led me to believe that one of the best ways to protect the financial system against future systemic shocks, including the possible failure of a major counterparty, is by strengthening the financial infrastructure, including both the "hardware" and the "software" components.

    FORBES: Transcript

  • For my purposes today, I want to construe "financial infrastructure" very broadly, to include not only the "hardware" components of that infrastructure--the physical systems on which market participants rely for the quick and accurate execution, clearing, and settlement of transactions--but also the associated "software, " including the statutory, regulatory, and contractual frameworks and the business practices that govern the actions and obligations of market participants on both sides of each transaction.

    FORBES: Reducing Systemic Risk

  • The NYSE completed their customer access strategy first, with Equinix providing its Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) POPs.

    FORBES: Stock Exchanges Ain't What They Used To Be

  • Develop guidelines on content, training and delivery to improve financial education infrastructure.

    FORBES: Financial Literacy Is Every Business's Responsibility

  • Key elements in this regard include countercyclical capital buffers, the implementation of more resilient financial market infrastructure, reductions in the variability of repo margins, and other macroprudential policies such as loan-to-value ratios in property markets.

    FORBES: Bank Of Canada's Carney Warns About Loss Of Global Liquidity

  • The Equinix marketplace is somewhat similar to the aspirations of NYSE Technologies which launched its own community at its Mahwah, NJ data center and another in the UK. Equinix hosts many of the NYSE local connections, Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) in locations around the world.

    FORBES: New Equinix Marketplace Can Link Financial Firms and Digital News

  • Recent Chinese FDI flows were concentrated in manufacturing, but there is growing interest in real estate, logistics, tech, financial services and infrastructure.

    FORBES: China On The Verge Of A Worldwide Foreign Investment Boom, Says Report

  • In fact, Iran has established a financial and business infrastructure with Chavez's consent and encouragement that now includes banks, gold mining, a cement plant, a tractor and bicycle factory, a tuna processing plant and a joint oil venture.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And they're targeting America's financial centers and economic infrastructure at home, hoping to terrorize us and cause our economy to collapse.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: CAIR doth protest too much (Part 2)

  • An antiquated financial system, poor infrastructure, an unskilled labor force, lack of hard data and a government bureaucracy that is ranked bottom by Transparency International are detrimental.

    FORBES: Myanmar, The Last Frontier?

  • Both countries face risks when it comes to protecting personal data and communications, financial transactions, critical infrastructure, or the intellectual property and trade secrets that are so vital to innovation and economic growth.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Based at Brewery Field in Bridgend, they may only be in their second season but they boast a strong infrastructure, substantial financial resources and blossoming support base.

    BBC: Rugby league's Welsh crusade

  • As a comprehensive fiscal sponsor, Tides provides its projects with a full complement of infrastructure services including financial administration, human resources consultation, payroll and benefits administration, risk management, and governance training.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Each country's bid documents will set out detailed breakdowns of potential host cities and venues, infrastructure, and financial estimates for how much the tournament would cost and how much revenue it would generate.

    BBC: Beckham hands over England 2018 World Cup bid

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