• She was nominated for three Grammy Awards in 1984, including best female pop vocal for Total Eclipse of the Heart.

    BBC: Bonnie Tyler chosen as Eurovision UK entry

  • Last month in an "ask me anything" session on website Reddit, Rodrigues was asked about the origin of a female Spanish vocal that also features on the track.

    BBC: Harlem Shake artists 'featured without permission'

  • Despite comparisons to other lilting, female "indie" vocal stars ( Feist, Cat Power), Miranda has truly personalized her vocal style.

    NPR: Holly Miranda On World Cafe

  • In addition, Merkel allied Germany with the U.S. to oppose Iran's nuclear activities, and she was vocal on energy security at the G8 summit meeting this summer, where she was the only female leader at the table.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • At the same time, Merkel also has allied Germany with the U.S. to oppose Iran's nuclear activities, and she was vocal on energy security at the G8 summit meeting this summer, where she was the only female leader at the table.

    FORBES: The World's Most Powerful Women

  • Jana Kramer is the new female vocalist of the year, Brantley Gilbert is the new male vocalist winner and Florida Georgia Line took new vocal duo or group, as voted by fans.

    NPR: Eric Church Leads ACM Awards Nominations With 7

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