• With a fair wind from across the Channel, that should change in 2012.

    BBC: Reasons to be cheerful (part 1)

  • That most enduring source of publicity, personal recommendation, gave them a fair wind.

    ECONOMIST: Patrick O��Brian

  • And the film sets a fair wind for "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, " coming to a theater near you in 2010.

    CNN: Review: A glowing 'Prince Caspian'

  • New curriculums that give the Gypsies' own culture a fair wind have engaged the imaginations of children who might otherwise have dropped out.

    ECONOMIST: Gypsy children

  • Conservative peer Lord Lawson gave his "strongest possible support" to the "excellent" bill, while fellow Tory Lord Fraser told peers it should be given a "fair wind".

    BBC: Let nations set their own time zones - peer

  • Sensible economic policies and a very fair wind from rising commodity prices has brought economic stability and - since the start of the century, at least - some decent growth.

    BBC: Brazil: No reverso

  • Mr Paisley has moved from not an inch, to inch by inch, to a giant leap at St Andrew's when he declared his willingness to give the deal a fair wind.

    BBC: Profile: Ian Paisley

  • With generosity, luck and a fair wind, that might reduce the volatility, but it would be foolish to imagine that ancient animosities will by then be entirely dead, or that recent upheavals will be forgotten.

    ECONOMIST: Messy war, messy peace

  • Every election cycle, candidates that endorse (or even say nice things about) the FAIR tax wind up getting attacked and put on the defensive.

    FORBES: Is The FAIR Tax A Political Liability?

  • The weather has been lovely and there has been a fair bit of wind, which is what the competitors need.

    BBC: Crowds flock to birdman contest

  • Behind the call for Wednesday's meeting was the growing unease in some quarters that parts of mid Wales, especially Montgomeryshire, will have to endure more than its fair share of wind farm developments.

    BBC: Mid Wales

  • The young man, who was tall and thin, with sun-streaked fair hair, and a wind- and sun-burned face, who wore the sun-faded flannel shirt, a pair of peasant's trousers and rope-soled shoes, leaned over, put his arm through one of the leather pack straps and swung the heavy pack up onto his shoulders.

    NPR: Robert Jordan, Hemingway's Bipartisan Hero

  • "Now that doesn't seem fair to me, " Gore said, predicting that the two cases would wind up before the Florida Supreme Court.

    CNN: Henry Jacobs

  • What does seem predictable, however, is that at some point these arms will wind up in the hands of people who are not even our fair-weather friends.


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