• But I don't know what external information via the Internet or what sites he's on, on that.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Northwest Airlines, meanwhile, canceled all its Thursday flights because of "external information that indicates that it is not prudent to fly this evening, " spokeswoman Mary Beth Schumbert said.

    CNN: Flights resume, but situation remains tense

  • Even for owners who cannot keep a constant eye on their pets, by monitoring and recording the number of steps they take, as well as signs of shivering and external temperature information, the new device enables owners to stay informed about the dog's regular activity levels, making it easy to detect any changes in their pet's health.

    ENGADGET: Fujitsu collar monitor proves that all dogs go to the cloud

  • The award was received by Eric Falt, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Information, representing UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova.


  • In came an outsider, Louis Gerstner, who saw the big trend toward greater user of external services by information technology departments.

    FORBES: Finding the Money - Be Smarter like IBM

  • Donnelley's board and members of the management team to ensure that we have proper internal and external controls on information dissemination so that this inaccurate information does not appear again.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Sector for External Relations and Public Information (ERI) and the Africa Department (AFR) ensure liaison with Member States.

    UNESCO: Member States

  • Links to external sites are for information only and do not constitute endorsement.

    BBC: Charitable bonds explained

  • The second level, remote intelligence gathering, requires obtaining information from external sources.

    FORBES: Caution: Active Response to Cyber Attacks Has High Risk

  • Under the authority of the Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information and the Director of the Division of Relations with Member States and National Commissions, and under the direct supervision of the Chief of the Europe and North America Section, the assistant liaison officer shall contribute to ensuring and strengthening liaison with the Europe and North America region Member States.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • "Information from the external world is being transferred to the appropriate parts of Mr. Sharon's brain, " said Martin Monti, a professor from the Departments of Psychology and Neurosurgery at the University of California Los Angeles.


  • If information architecture (Big Data or small) talent is not present in your organization, then it will serve you well to hire external consultants to design the information flow and then your internal team can execute against that.

    FORBES: 4 Steps to Turning Big Data into Business Impact

  • And we'll have the opportunity to coordinate all of the information again from an external view.

    CNN: O'Keefe: 'A tragic day for the NASA family'

  • And Martin Carmichael, chief security officer at McAfee Software, says that internal data breaches are more likely than external attacks to reveal key private information.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And Martin Carmichael, chief security officer at McAfee Software (nyse: MFE - news - people ), says that internal data breaches are more likely than external attacks to reveal key private information.

    FORBES: The Cybercriminal Inside

  • Just like the corporate world, the intelligence community is facing the challenge of seamlessly integrating classified and internally collected information with open data from external sources.

    FORBES: Big Data News of the Week: Lady Gaga Takes on FAGA

  • The proposals suggest that will involve clear rules on reliable methodology, how judgement is applied to using information, transparency about submitted information, a complaints procedure and external oversight.

    BBC: Setting prices crudely

  • The tight coupling of presentation and information has made it difficult to extract the underlying information and adapt to changing internal and external needs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Digital Government

  • For more information, or to find other G-Technology external drives with higher capacities, faster interfaces or screaming throughput for HD video editing, please visit www.g-technology.com.

    ENGADGET: Hitachi GST's G-Drive Slim: world's thinnest 2.5-inch external hard drive

  • Internal links let me connect readers to related content in other chapters, and external links let us send them to outside sources of supplemental information or to an online retailer.

    FORBES: Interactive E-book Aims to Simplify Wine

  • The university added in a statement that it was providing information and support to those staff who will be transferring to external partners.

    BBC: Sussex students occupy university buildings

  • Prosecutors said the accused had posed as ordinary citizens, some living together as couples for years, and were ordered by Russia's External Intelligence Service (SVR) to infiltrate policy-making circles and collect information.

    BBC: Russia spy Anna Chapman given pro-Kremlin youth role

  • Instead, the company is working to create better video cameras and software, which are external to the eye and easily updated, to better enhance and interpret the information sent to the implant, he said.

    WSJ: The Quest to Create A Bionic Eye Gets Clearer

  • The external drive connects directly to the desired display via USB cable and the user is able to access information stored on a CD or DVD without a PC.

    ENGADGET: Plextor's new external DVD burner works with TVs, no computer required

  • Nextel ( S) made use of external antennas on their phones and some of them still have external antennas all of this is to give the customer the ability to receive and send wireless information when in lower signal areas.

    FORBES: The iPhone 4 Antenna Unravelled

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