• The regime says that it is committed to creating a society where there is no ethnic discrimination.

    ECONOMIST: Rwanda

  • As well as difficult geography, they include ethnic discrimination and poor education.

    ECONOMIST: A tale of two Mexicos

  • The poverty, inequality and ethnic and caste discrimination that fuelled the Maoist rebellion persist.

    ECONOMIST: King, politicians and Maoists fiddle while Nepal burns

  • The Journal notes that new rules also ban posting state secrets and material that could hurt national security, as well as material that might spur ethnic resentment or discrimination or promote illegal rallies.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The Rohingya ethnic group face severe discrimination and are considered illegal immigrants despite many living in Myanmar for generations.

    NPR: Indonesia Says 2 Arrested For Myanmar Embassy Plot

  • Outside Palenque, inhabitants are commonly subjected to discrimination and ethnic stereotyping leading to a denial of their cultural values.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Mr Sarkozy, against republican tradition, favours positive discrimination for ethnic minorities.

    ECONOMIST: S��gol��ne Royal ushers in a new era of French politics

  • If there were, suggestions of positive discrimination on ethnic grounds would be rejected because they would establish categories of people that would, by birth, enjoy greater rights.

    FORBES: The Ninth Amendment: The Value of Our Unenumerated Rights

  • All Asian American ethnic groups have faced varieties of racial discrimination that have stood in the way of their progress.

    FORBES: No.

  • There have also been attempts to stamp out discrimination, through a new anti-discrimination body, and to recruit more ethnic minorities to prominent jobs.

    ECONOMIST: French riots

  • The conflict in Darfur began in February 2003 when ethnic African tribes rebelled against what they considered decades of discrimination by the Arab-run government.

    NPR: U.N., African Union Unite to End Darfur Violence

  • The conflict began five years ago when ethnic African tribesmen took up arms, complaining of decades of neglect and discrimination by the Sudanese government.

    CNN: U.N. report: Darfur attacks broke human rights law

  • The Darfur conflict began five years ago, when ethnic African tribesmen took up arms, complaining of decades of neglect and discrimination by the Sudanese government.

    CNN: U.N.: 100,000 more dead in Darfur than reported

  • At the Asia Society discussions, held in New York and Houston, Ravi Gudamal, who led a successful campaign to get full British passports for Hong Kong's ethnic Indian community, criticized the government for refusing to enact laws penalizing racial discrimination.

    CNN: Is Hong Kong Open Only for Business?

  • The granting of more cultural and political rights, and the admission of past discrimination, have soothed tempers not only among Turkish Kurds, but among their ethnic kin in Iraq, Iran and Syria.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey and the Middle East

  • In Malaysia, this problem is exacerbated by a national policy of positive discrimination in favour of the majority bumiputra (largely Malay) population and against the ethnic Chinese who dominate business.

    ECONOMIST: Asia��s stockmarket nightmare

  • "Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of people on account of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion, " it reads.

    CNN: FIFA queries Nigeria over reports of lesbian soccer ban

  • Malaysia's 50th birthday comes at a time of rising resentment by ethnic Chinese and Indians, together over one-third of the population, at the continuing, systematic discrimination they suffer in favour of the majority bumiputra, or sons of the soil, as Malays and other indigenous groups are called.

    ECONOMIST: Malaysia at 50

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