The war killed civilians as well, as battles raged across farm and field, as encampments of troops spread epidemic disease, as guerrillas ensnared women and even children in violence and reprisals, as draft rioters targeted innocent citizens, as shortages of food in parts of the South brought starvation.
It also means that whereas population growth may not be a global problem, it could often be a very nasty local one, causing conflict over local resources, especially water, and privation when politics (frequently) or natural disaster (occasionally) cause local scarcity or epidemic disease even within a wider world of abundance and improving health.
Interim compensation to be paid during a serious disease epidemic, and supplementary compensation when normal conditions are restored.
But insurance alone is insufficient to tackle our chronic and preventable disease epidemic.
Well, doctors will tell you that with the country riding a diabetes and heart disease epidemic, most Indians are physically unfit.
Medical experts have warned that Britain will be gripped by a liver disease epidemic within 15 years because of the prevalence of binge drinking.
Gareth Colfer-Williams, 25, died last week at his home in Swansea, the city at the centre of an epidemic of the disease which has reached 942 cases.
Experts are expecting another epidemic of the disease this summer.
"The foot-and-mouth-disease virus epidemic in the UK in 2001 was disastrous and cost the economy billions of pounds in control measures and compensation, " explained Dr Bryan Charleston, Head of Livestock Viral Diseases Programme at the Pirbright Institute.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- Nearly 3, 900 people, including about 540 children, are believed to have died from the H1N1 flu in the first six months of the epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
But by affecting these switches in combination, researchers hope that they can modify the risk factors for both diabetes and heart disease--a bona fide blockbuster market in a world where waistlines are expanding and heart disease is at epidemic levels.
"The disease isn't becoming an epidemic, " says North Shore's Bernstein.
Last week 7.3% of US deaths were caused by pneumonia and the flu, just above epidemic threshold, said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The return of the International AIDS conference to the U.S. marks a moment to celebrate the American leadership and efforts that have transformed the response to the epidemic, to remember the lives lost to this disease, and to recommit to the vision of an AIDS-free generation.
At Tuesday's board meeting, city officials said large, sugary drinks are a leading cause of the nation's obesity epidemic, and said their consumption is linked to heart disease and diabetes.
But at the moment, the apparent increase could be attributed to any number of factors, such as better diagnosis, or random fluctuations in the incidence of the disease, rather than the start of an epidemic.
Among a wide field of potent prescription painkillers -- which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says are fueling an epidemic of abuse in the United States -- hydrocodone may have been flying under the radar among doctors.
Mr. Chen said there are no signs of an epidemic but noted the approaching springtime is the key period to prevent disease.
Breaking the silence and putting an end to the stigma surrounding this disease have become an integral part of the fight against the epidemic.
"Many countries are seeing the rising tide of an epidemic and all doctors need to know how to recognise and diagnose this disease and what treatments are available, " he said.
The foot-and-mouth epidemic has hit the UK economy hard, with a report showing that the disease contributed to a slowdown that has seen more than 100 business a day going bust.
For example, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a community dealing with an epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes that has the highest rate of cardiovascular disease deaths in the nation, the award will help 1, 600 physicians and other providers participate in a new community-wide health information system that will help them better monitor and improve care transitions as patients move from one care setting to another.
Five thousand miles away in a Pfizer research lab in Groton, Connecticut, infectious disease specialist Scott Hopkins is surfing the Internet when he spots a story on the epidemic--and sees opportunity.
As a result, a polio epidemic which originated in Kanohas now spread to 22 African countries, including ten who had been previously free of the disease.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: An African Vortex: Islamism in Sub-Saharan Africa