• National Resources Defense Council, the question was whether the Navy had to comply with a federal environmental law protecting dolphins and other wildlife while conducting submarine exercises off California.

    NEWYORKER: No More Mr. Nice Guy

  • Third, improving environmental quality and protecting natural resources spurs growth and welfare directly, especially for the poor.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus: Why quality matters | The

  • At our meeting, Chair Sutley discussed the importance of EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, issued last week, that provide both economic and environmental benefits while protecting public health and the Great Lakes.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • Across in Westminster Hall there are debates on two recent select committee reports - Environmental Audit Committee on Protecting the Arctic and the Defence Select Committee report on Future of Maritime Surveillance.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • "The plan to re-float the hull in one piece gives top priority to minimising environmental impact, to protecting Giglio's economy and tourism industry, and to maximum safety of the work, " Costa Cruises said in a statement.

    CNN: Wrecked Costa Concordia to be raised from Italian sea bed

  • Produced with the participation of children and the head of the school, it also demonstrated how the school considers the importance of protecting the environmental quality of the school area to ensure the wellbeing of young people.


  • And the Environmental Audit Committee looks at protecting the Arctic (at 2.15pm).

    BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

  • UNESCO, and Russia has strong environmental laws, including a special one protecting the lake itself.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's natural jewel is at the mercy of oil money

  • Brennand and Whitendale Focus Group's John Wells said the programme would help solve "environmental problems caused by unsustainable abstraction, protecting water levels and improving habitats".

    BBC: River Brennand

  • And the Environmental Audit Committee is looking at "protecting the Arctic" (at 2.15pm) after the government rejected calls for stricter controls on oil drilling and mineral extraction.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • These whistle-blower provisions provide broader remedies for employees than do other whistle-blower protection laws, such as those protecting employees who face retaliation for reporting environmental or health and safety offenses.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "We reject any call for further delay because the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Health Department are perfectly capable of protecting New Yorkers, " said Jim Smith, spokesman for the Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York.

    WSJ: NY senators seek fracking delay to await key study

  • It is a future where we must strengthen our collaboration on critical environmental issues: cleaning up our air, land and water, fighting for environmental justice to relieve the burdens of pollution in poor and minority communities, protecting the planet we all call home and safeguarding the creation that has been given to us to steward.

    WHITEHOUSE: EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Delivers Keynote at the National Council of Churches' Centennial Gathering | The White House

  • Mark Brownstein, an associate vice president with the Environmental Defense Fund, said many oil and gas companies claim to be leaders in protecting the environment, and "this can be one opportunity for them to demonstrate that leadership" by submitting to an audit.

    WSJ: Both sides agree on tough new fracking standards

  • Far from protecting human health and the environment, they are shutting down a vital source of environmental improvement.

    FORBES: New Emissions Data Dampen Global Warming Fears

  • As I learned more about environmental issues, I committed myself to a career path that would enable me to work toward protecting the environment and the people that depend on it.

    WHITEHOUSE: Serving the United States Through AmeriCorps

  • Since the Artic does not have a unified set of environmental policies, the AECO published a discretionary set of guidelines for visitors and operators that are aimed at protecting the environment, ensuring safety and promoting cultural sensitivity and social interaction with locals.

    BBC: Life in the fragile, frozen Arctic

  • Though you'd never know it from the media, the Defense Department has been a superb environmental steward of the 25 million acres it manages in the U.S. Given its record in preserving and protecting habitat for more than 300 threatened or endangered species, the Pentagon does as good (or better) an environmental job as the Interior Department or the Forest Service.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

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