• This shift in societal attitudes, led by a handful of enlightened thinkers of the day, is what Mokyr (2005) labels the Great Enlightenment, Jacob (1981) the Radical Enlightenment, McCloskey (2010) the Bourgeois Revaluation, and Goldstone (2002) the Engineering Culture.

    FORBES: IBM's Watson: Maybe The Doctors Will Strangle It At Birth

  • Economists in the French Enlightenment (like Jacques Turgot) and the Scottish Enlightenment (like Adam Smith) recognized that essential human institutions such as language, culture, legal customs, mutual aid societies and markets develop spontaneously when governments get out of the way.

    FORBES: Class Warfare: The Mortal Enemy Of Economic Growth And Jobs

  • Since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, we have transformed our world.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

  • Europeans brought the truth of the Enlightenment to the West.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Trial of Geert Wilders: A Symposium

  • By the time of the Enlightenment, the provision of credit and the practice of charging interest on loans had already become universally accepted as an issue of political economy rather than theology.

    FORBES: A Distant Mirror

  • The eighteenth century was the French century: Rousseau, Voltaire, Versailles and the court of the Sun King Louis the Fourteenth, Buffon and the Jardin des Plantes, Paris buzzing with the discourse of the enlightenment and the new supremacy of scientific method.

    BBC: Part Three - France and the World

  • That world began when Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press in 1455, and gave birth along the way to the Reformation, the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment, the Scientific Method, and finally the Industrial Revolution not to mention the modern era of newspapers, universal education and, yes, mass literacy.

    ECONOMIST: Will reading and writing remain important?

  • The parting of ways between Europe and China came, in his view, not with the Renaissance or the Enlightenment but with the industrial revolution.

    ECONOMIST: China's future

  • It is probably no coincidence that the Humanitarian Revolution came on the heels of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment, that the Long Peace and rights revolutions coincided with the electronic global village.

    WSJ: Steven Pinker: Why Violence Is Vanishing

  • That truth violates the principles of the Enlightenment now engraved in the tablets of a Western world where the only truth permitted men in the public sphere is a multicultural pluralism devoid of any truthful content but that there is no truthful content.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Trial of Geert Wilders: A Symposium

  • Shirky believes that we are on the crest of an ever-surging wave of democratized information: the Gutenberg printing press produced the Reformation, which produced the Scientific Revolution, which produced the Enlightenment, which produced the Internet, each move more liberating than the one before.

    NEWYORKER: The Information

  • But witness the recent flap over contraception and insurance in Catholic universities and hospitals such compromises are tricky, and in the end there is no escaping the fact that Mr Obama stands in the Enlightenment tradition, not with the Neopuritans.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • From the East came the winds of mysticism, a sense of self-transformation based on the loss of selfhood, with enlightenment the ultimate goal.

    CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus

  • If the printing press ushered in the Age of Enlightenment, the internet brought us the Age of Entitlement.

    FORBES: Congratulations, You Voted: How Social Media Makes Us All Approval Whores

  • It is a constant reminder that you are in one of the centres of the European enlightenment - arguably the centre.

    BBC: Part Three - France and the World

  • The German romantic reaction to French rationalism was the worst consequence of the Enlightenment an antibody more harmful than the disease.

    NEWYORKER: Slaughterhouse

  • Fast forward a few more years and the intellectual movement that came to be known as the Enlightenment brought with it a new respect for the rational and useful and an emphasis on education rather than privilege.

    BBC: Why did men stop wearing high heels?

  • That player I mentioned above, the one who found enlightenment on the field?

    FORBES: Why Is Football So Popular?

  • The origin of modern automata, though, came during the Enlightenment, inaugurated by French mechanician Jacques de Vaucanson in the 1730s.


  • America, one might fairly say, had two foundings: the first under the Enlightenment guidance of its rich intellectual founders, and a second with the popular, evangelical Second Great Awakening, which flamed a quarter century afterward.

    NEWYORKER: I, Nephi

  • The book became popular during the Enlightenment among political thinkers in Europe and America, including those who drafted the US Constitution in 1787.

    BBC: Cyrus Cylinder: How a Persian monarch inspired Jefferson

  • The inexorable progress of the Enlightenment, though it has sent devils packing and committed nymphs and sprites to the realms of silliness, has never managed to stamp out angels.

    ECONOMIST: Angels

  • The problem is that with the success of the Enlightenment, science, and our modern culture, we seem to have discarded the idea of mythos as part of our mainstream culture.

    FORBES: The Unnecessary Conflict Between Evangelicalism and Science

  • Although originally a reaction against religion indeed, it was an outgrowth of the Haskalah, the 19th-century Jewish enlightenment that the rabbis of Europe most feared Zionism never completely repudiated the authority of Judaism's priesthood.

    ECONOMIST: Israel at 50

  • It was the ideas of the Enlightenment, centered here in France, that helped inspire a band of Colonists across the ocean to seek our freedom.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks About the US-France Alliance

  • One of them considers America the culmination of the Enlightenment, cleaving to a rational philosophy that would indeed exclude religion and its icons from the public square.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Created in collaboration with the USC Game Innovation Lab and game designer Tracy Fullerton, The Night Journey takes the player on an archetypal journey toward enlightenment through the mechanics of the game experience.

    ENGADGET: Museum of The Moving Image plans multi-million dollar updates with HD, 3D

  • These ideas grew out of the European enlightenment, but today they are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not as the birthright of Americans or Westerners, but of people everywhere.

    CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript

  • From the initial Technology Trigger, when software first made blogging easy, to the Peak of Inflated Expectations and the Trough of Disillusionment, thence on to the Slope of Enlightenment and, eventually, the Plateau of Productivity, blogging has passed almost all the way through the Hype Cycle.

    FORBES: Self-Publishing's Place On The Hype Cycle

  • The region requires a great deal of education and enlightenment in the field of supply chain.

    FORBES: Why the Supply Chain is Dead

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