• Leicester City Council's street wardens are having their enforcement powers extended to help stop the problem.

    BBC: Leicester City Council wardens to fine street spitters

  • They fear the Bush administration may seek broad new law enforcement powers that go beyond terrorism.

    CNN: Ashcroft wants tougher anti-terrorism laws

  • They fear the Bush administration may seek broad new law enforcement powers that go beyond fighting terrorism.

    CNN: Ashcroft says lawmakers moving too slowly

  • To be effective, a new set of institutions would have to be imbued with heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers.

    FORBES: The Simple Solution to Climate Change: Hint, It Isn't World Government

  • As first conceived, it would have had enforcement powers and tried to pre-empt state failure, not just cure it.

    ECONOMIST: Failed states

  • Other enforcement powers open to the SCS for collecting outstanding fines include arresting wages, deducting benefits and freezing bank accounts.

    BBC: Car clamped over unpaid ?60 fine for peeing in Glasgow

  • It added that it was continuing to monitor the company and would use "enforcement powers" if further improvements were not made.

    BBC: West Midlands homecarers face allegations

  • Taking some powers from the Fed and other bank regulators, this would have broad rule-writing and enforcement powers over mortgages, credit cards and the like.

    ECONOMIST: Financial reform in America

  • Proponents of contingency-fee lawyers say they provide valuable enforcement powers the state at no cost to taxpayers, and level the playing field against well-heeled corporations.

    FORBES: Mississippi Reins In Use Of Contigency-Fee Lawyers

  • Its leading proponent is Thomas Perez, the Justice Department official Mr. Obama nominated to be secretary of labor, a department whose enforcement powers blanket the workplace.

    WSJ: Henninger: Government Gone Wild

  • Last May, Brown chaired a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee hearing on potential reforms to WARN, including giving the Department of Labor and state Attorney Generals enforcement powers.

    FORBES: Layoffs And Lawsuits

  • The group has no funds or troops or enforcement powers.

    CNN: Filling A Gap

  • The minister responded that the government was moving quickly, focusing on regulation of the scrap metal industry and stronger enforcement powers to bring those carrying out the crimes to justice.

    BBC: Government plans legislation to tackle metal theft

  • And asserting control over the prime minister's powers in office is not the only area where Israel's state prosecution uses its law enforcement powers to advance its politically-uniform membership's political agenda.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The rule of lawyers

  • How do we create new institutions with enforcement powers way beyond the current mandate of the U.N.? Could we ensure against a malevolent dictator who might abuse the power of such organizations?

    FORBES: The Simple Solution to Climate Change: Hint, It Isn't World Government

  • While the Republicans who now control the House of Representatives generally support privacy, they are unlikely to support any bill to expand the enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission, GOP congressional aides say.

    WSJ: Obama Administration Seeks Internet Privacy Protections, New Policy Office

  • Keith Brown, Scotland's minister for transport and veterans, said the blue badge scheme was a "lifeline" for thousands of disabled people in Scotland and it made sense to consult on options for tightening enforcement powers.

    BBC: MSP Robertson consults on blue badge misuse law

  • She said fines for firms paying migrants less than the minimum wage should be doubled, councils should be given new enforcement powers to target rogue businesses and landlords and more opportunities created for British workers in sectors with high levels of foreign recruitment.

    BBC: Yvette Cooper: End student visitor visa loopholes

  • Mr. ANTHONY ROMERO (Executive Director, ACLU): At a time when the Bush administration has tried to argue for even broader law enforcement powers and this idea of a unilateral president, where you have these inherent powers accrue to him because of the war on terror, it's a very strong rejection of that argument.

    NPR: Bush's Wiretaps Ruled Unconstitutional

  • They were very clear that there is a problem that must be addressed to give law enforcement agencies the powers they need to fight crime.

    BBC: Draft Communications Data Bill to be redrafted - No 10

  • The grisly murder in Woolwich has prompted calls for Britain's government to look again at a shelved bill that would greatly expand law enforcement's powers to monitor suspects' use of the internet, which is currently only possible on a more limited basis.


  • In December 2000, 23 organisations, banding together under the banner of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), signed a letter condemning the 25th draft of the treaty as "appalling", and warned that it handed law enforcement agencies sweeping powers to snoop and could seriously erode online privacy.

    BBC: Treaty 'could stifle online privacy'

  • Kerr also pointed out that there's a conflict of interest when the executive branch, which oversees law enforcement in the state, is in a position to block laws that would limit the powers of law enforcement.


  • Internal investigations allow an organisation to maintain control and keep things quiet, but law-enforcement agencies have broader powers.

    ECONOMIST: Putting it all together

  • An agency called the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf decides on the merits of the case, but it has no powers of enforcement.

    ECONOMIST: The Arctic

  • This failure can only be corrected if the councils give up either their powers of enforcement to local police or some other entity disinterested in the financial outcome of such enforcement or give up the financial benefit from penalty notices.

    BBC: Parking - Your Thoughts

  • It doesn't have the powers to take enforcement action, we have to pass that information to the Health and Safety Executive.

    BBC: Frontline Scotland graphic

  • The system, called key-escrow, would give police and other law enforcement bodies wide-ranging powers to intercept e-mail, read confidential documents and tap into systems, without monitoring by the courts.

    BBC: Security and law enforcement: the government view

  • What is very uncertain is who will exercise the new powers of scrutiny and enforcement.

    BBC: Eurozone solution in sight?

  • Sutcliffe has been looking at different ways of increasing the powers of the drug enforcement agencies during the 2012 Games.

    BBC: Anti-doping plans worry athletes

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