• It was founded by Austrian emigre Frank Stronach, who arrived in Canada in 1954 with only the dollars in his pocket.

    BBC: Profile: Car parts maker Magna

  • He had the CANF working on economic transition plans in conjunction with many American companies, and he thought the emigre community could provide vital capital and know-how.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Man Who Lived to Save Cuba

  • Dr Lloyd believes the real artist was Henri-Pierre Danloux, who was an emigre from revolutionary France who settled in Edinburgh in the late 18th Century, around the time the painting is thought to be from.

    BBC: X-rays suggest Skating Minister 'not by Raeburn'

  • Mr Berezovsky was a close friend of murdered Russian emigre and former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who died in 2006 after he was poisoned with the radioactive material polonium-210 while drinking tea at a London meeting.

    BBC: UK

  • But even after he fled abroad and successfully dodged Russian extradition charges by being granted political asylum in Britain, he still seemed to crave controversy and revelled in his self imposed status as emigre and latter-day dissident.

    BBC: Boris Berezovsky: Colourful character focused on Russia

  • There's a crop of young American acts approaching the genre less as ethnomusicology and more like pop, from the hip-hop collage approach of New York's Balkan Beat Box to the emigre garage rock of Los Angeles' Dengue Fever, who headlined the festival's final night.

    NPR: The Musical Worlds of WOMEX

  • But it's also about capturing the characters within the story, not least the factory's employees, some of whom have been making matzo at Streit's for decades like the emigre who boxed for the Soviets in the 1964 Olympics, the Honduran former lawyer, and the Jewish immigrants from Uzbekistan, once forced to make matzo in secret in their native country, now doing so with pride at Streit's.

    WSJ: A Lower East Side Matzo Story, Leavened With History

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