• The child element of child tax credit and the disability elements of tax credit will be uprated in line with inflation, but other tax credit increases will be restricted.

    BBC: Osborne confirms pay and jobs pain as growth slows

  • In his statement, the chancellor said he aimed to support the vulnerable - therefore carer and disability benefits, including the disability elements of tax credits, would be increased in line with inflation.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • One possibility is nothing controversial will happen, but Democrats and Republicans will pull off the essential functions of government easily, and even manage to make progress in areas where they agree, like trade and potentially some elements of tax policy.

    FORBES: Ezra Klein On Gridlock

  • Some of the changes while -- in his budget proposal he believes that the best approach is to allow the rates to revert back for top earners to the Clinton-era levels that he introduces elements of tax reform even in his own budget proposal.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Each bar also shows the elements of that tax hike how much would have come from the end of the Bush-era tax cuts, the expiration of the payroll tax cut etc.

    FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff Deal In One Picture

  • The government says that, with public sector pay rises capped at 1%, a similar limit should apply to working-age benefits such as jobseeker's allowance, employment and support allowance and income support as well as elements of working tax credits and child tax credit.

    BBC: Prime Minister's Questions: David Cameron v Ed Miliband

  • To see what this means, my TPC colleagues looked at what would happen if Congress slashes individual tax rates by 20 percent across the board and eliminates the Alternative Minimum Tax, two elements of a much broader tax reform proposed by Mitt Romney.

    FORBES: Do The Math: Why Trimming Tax Breaks Won't Allow U.S. To Easily Cut Rates

  • If this cataclysm was at the same time a function of currencies, tax rates and incentives, trade laws and the other elements of the supply-side catechism, then we ought to have heard more of it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • When Alan Greenspan, the influential chairman of the Federal Reserve, testified to Congress last month, he supported one of the central elements of the Bush plan abolishing tax on dividend income in principle.

    ECONOMIST: Taxing times | The

  • The question is, with most of the GOP already deeply invested in using the debt ceiling as leverage to force a spending reduction without ridding our tax code of perverse elements of corporate welfare, can they still be brought back from the brink?

    FORBES: Where Is Nancy Reagan When We Need Her?

  • It combines elements of passive investing with a simple but effective tax dodge.

    FORBES: The Passive-Aggressive Portfolio

  • You can probably tell from those numbers that the key elements of the speech did not involve taxes or tax reform.

    FORBES: Taxes and the State of the Union

  • The American Jobs Act, a portion of which was passed by this Congress -- the extension of the payroll tax cut and the extension of unemployment insurance -- had within it elements that Republicans in Congress refused to vote for, that outside economists said at the time would create more than a million jobs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Analysts say that among the elements of the bill which might be salvaged are a payroll tax cut which Mr Obama wants to extend.

    BBC: Republicans block Obama jobs bill

  • In this case, he argued, middle- and lower-income families would benefit from the payroll-tax reduction, the extended jobless benefits and other elements of the deal, and that the package overall would stimulate job growth and the economy.

    WSJ: Obama Woos Wary Party on Tax Deal

  • At this time, Newt Gingrich is the only presidential candidate offering an economic plan that contains all three of the elements required for rapid GDP and jobs growth: monetary reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform.

    FORBES: It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls

  • While he does not strictly need to get the Bundesrat's approval for the main elements of the pension plans, the chancellor does need its consent for his proposed tax incentives to encourage contributions to supplementary private pensions.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • The fall of Chowchilla had typically Californian elements, including a huge housing collapse that reduced property tax revenues and the recession.

    FORBES: Sliding Into The Pacific? Another California City Chokes On Its Bonds

  • Lasso, meanwhile, promised to be friendlier to foreign investment, lower taxes on job-creating companies and roll back elements of what Correa calls his "21st century socialism, " such as a 5 percent tax on capital removed from Ecuador.

    NPR: Ecuador Leader Heavily Favored To Win Re-Election

  • That's while a number of elements are stacking up to make for a more difficult environment to implement "aggressive" tax cuts.

    BBC: Mind the gap on the Northern Line

  • If he decides to leap out of the French plane, he will have all the necessary elements to properly leave the French tax system.

    FORBES: The Billionaire Who Wants to Be Belgian

  • Other elements central to the negotiation that would impact middle income earners, mainly the extension of Bush era tax cuts for incomes below the border, patching the alternative minimum tax, and the potential loss in the payroll tax cut, suggest that the economic situation of the middle class as a result of the fiscal reorganization will remain the status quo at best.

    FORBES: How Will The Middle Class Fare In The Battle Over The Fiscal Cliff?

  • Tax reform, and some of Mr Obama's proposed spending cuts, might be elements of one.

    ECONOMIST: Barack Obama��s deficit plan

  • Two elements that did not make it into the Senate's bill: a one-year extension of investment tax credits for the solar energy industry and production tax credits for the wind, geothermal and biomass industries.

    FORBES: Congress Passes $168 Billion Stimulus Package

  • This tax is assessed to filers who have large amounts of certain types of income, such as ISO bargain elements or municipal bond interest, and is designed to ensure that the taxpayer pays at least a minimal amount of tax on income that would otherwise be tax-free.

    FORBES: Introduction To Incentive Stock Options

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