• An early childhood education of quality gives children an equal start and allows them succeed in later stages of education.


  • One of the most effective ways of achieving a better quality of education for all is through improving the quality of teachers.


  • The national projects aim to promote the use of ICTs to enhance the quality of education, to fight illiteracy, and to provide quality and equitable education to remote areas, while addressing the needs of gender education.


  • Ms Bokova stressed the importance of equity in education systems as well as the quality of education, including teachers.

    UNESCO: Director-General calls on global leaders to unite for Education for All | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The quality of education is inextricably linked to the issue of teacher quality and principal leadership.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Participants firmly insisted on the need for a stronger focus on early childhood care and education, more and better qualified teachers, as well as reform of post-primary education, including technical and vocational training, and the need to concentrate more on all aspects of the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Education

  • The caveats to our methodology notwithstanding, our study shows that there are big differences in the quality of education relative to spending among counties and is further proof that money is not the only--or perhaps even the most important--factor when it comes to the quality of education.

    FORBES: Best And Worst School Districts For The Buck

  • This cultural heritage, associated to the development of quality education, is a pillar of peace building and society in Mali.


  • Provincial education departments are of variable quality: the provincial education minister in KwaZulu-Natal refused to show up for work for several weeks last year because, she said, her office was bewitched.

    ECONOMIST: A fillip for South Africa��s schools

  • Zip code, race, and home language continue to be the greatest predictors of the quality of education a child will receive, and this is a travesty.

    WHITEHOUSE: Closing Gaps

  • Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.

    UNESCO: Education For All

  • As well as academic tests, there will be questions on how much pupils enjoy their schools and their classroom environment, with the aim of producing a more rounded picture of the quality of education.

    BBC: Schools can measure themselves against Pisa tests

  • The history of American higher education demonstrates that the quality of teaching and research is greatest when faculty are secure in their freedom to inquire, speak, teach and publish.

    WSJ: Should Tenure for College Professors Be Abolished?

  • One of the most significant factors in the provision of quality education outcomes in the Pacific is the shortage of certified and qualified teachers and principals.


  • Despite the coordinated efforts of the Member States of UNESCO, millions of young girls and boys are still deprived of basic rights, such as access to education, basic quality of life and dignified work, preventing them from participating fully in their society.

    UNESCO: 70 Years

  • Despite significant progress towards universal primary education and gender parity, the overall quality of education and learning outcomes are weak.


  • It was agreed that UNESCO and the World Bank would work together on the Education First initiative, on strengthening the quality of education, and on the Post 2015 UN Development Agenda.


  • During the 1940s and 1950s, the federal government devoted substantial amounts of money to higher education, bolstering the quality of our research universities and opening access to millions of Americans who were the first in their families to receive this level of education.

    CNN: Stopgap budgeting cripples government

  • When we look beyond the issue of accessibility to the quality of education our children receive -- after all it should be fit for purpose -- the region has among the lowest education requirements for teachers, with 50% of countries requiring lower secondary school teachers to have completed no higher than a secondary education (so teachers have barely more education that their students).

    CNN: Africa 'must think big for its children'

  • Justices also ignored mountainous research showing there is no correlation between the amount of money spent and the quality of education received.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • To attain similar effects, a school has to either lower tuition by 3.8 percent or increase the quality of its education by recruiting higher-quality faculty, who are paid 5 percent more than their average peers in the academic labor market.

    FORBES: The Flutie Effect: How Athletic Success Boosts College Applications

  • The education minister has said he is determined to improve the quality of education even if it means having to close a number of schools.

    BBC: Education minister says school closures may be necessary

  • The event aims to explore mobile learning as a unique and significant contribution to achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals of increasing education access, quality and equality.

    UNESCO: ����֮˼���й�����ƽ

  • Building on the Bonn Declaration from 2009, the Conference will draw out the relevance of ESD to all efforts to improve the quality of education.

    UNESCO: ����֮˼���й�����ƽ

  • If the February education reform, aimed at improving standards to boost the overall quality of education, is successful, more young Mexicans will have the training to compete in the 21st century workforce.

    CNN: Immigration reform gets U.S. in on Mexico's boom

  • More than 800 ideas have already been generated in the EFA Crowdsourcing Challenge, which aims to find ways of using mobile communication to help achieve literacy, develop universal primary education, address youth and adult learning needs, enhance the quality of education, and improve gender parity and equality in education.

    UNESCO: Education

  • This reflects the historical fact of lacking access and quality of basic education in those areas.

    UNESCO: Laos: Report: Part II: Analytic Section: cont. 2

  • This enrolment expansion was not, however, accompanied by an increase in the provision of essential materials and teaching resources to schools or by the training of more teachers, an aspect which compromised the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Family Basic Education (FABE)

  • The discussion addressed also a range of issues, including reinforced action to improve the quality of education at the horizon of 2015 and the post-2015, the need to find innovative ways to reach students from nomadic communities, the Organization's continued support to the reform process of the STI system as well as the African Liberation Heritage's programme.


  • However, progress towards the other goals has been much slower, notably early childhood care and education, youth and adult learning, vocational education and training, gender equality and literacy, as well as the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Education Ministers commit to achieve Education for All

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