• Meanwhile the other possibility, Bavarian premier and arch-conservative Edmund Stoiber, appears uneasy about running.

    BBC: Ex-CDU head off the hook

  • The CSU leader in Bavaria, Edmund Stoiber, is not keen on the flat-rate health premium.

    ECONOMIST: The battle of the chancellorship | The

  • But some right-wing leaders, such as Edmund Stoiber, the premier of Bavaria, have applauded him.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • Mr Schroeder faces a tough election battle later this year against the conservative candidate Edmund Stoiber.

    BBC: Raid on SPD over funding scam

  • It is already clear that the CSU's boss, Edmund Stoiber, will become economics minister.

    ECONOMIST: Merkel clinches it, but the price is high | The

  • His conservative challenger, Edmund Stoiber, remained on holiday on a North Sea island.

    ECONOMIST: The continent awash

  • Conservative politician Edmund Stoiber, on Monday criticised Mr Tenzer, who had been widely tipped to lead the company, as a lacklustre candidate.

    BBC: Deutsche Telekom boss quits

  • Truth to tell, most of the party's top people, including the Bavarian premier, Edmund Stoiber, would prefer to see the euro scheme dropped altogether.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • As Mrs Merkel's star has waned, so that of Edmund Stoiber, leader of the Christian Social Union, the Christian Democrats' Bavarian sister party, has brightened.

    ECONOMIST: The opposition in Germany

  • If Mr Fischer's support for that line could be proved, said Edmund Stoiber, Bavaria's powerful premier, then he was no longer acceptable as Germany's foreign minister.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • There was only one real victor: the cocky state premier, Edmund Stoiber, an old rival of Mr Kohl who managed to get through the entire campaign without publicly mentioning the chancellor's name.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s election

  • Complicating the picture is that Leo Kirch, based in Munich, is a supporter of the conservative Bavarian politician Edmund Stoiber, who is set to challenge Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in September's national elections.

    FORBES: Murdoch Meets Resistance In Germany

  • But she still has a possible rival in the shape of Edmund Stoiber, the leader of the Christian Democrats' Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, who wowed the delegates the next day.

    ECONOMIST: Germany's Christian Democrats

  • Germany - The centre-right alliance of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats led by Bavarian prime minister Edmund Stoiber, has a serious chance of defeating the Social Democrats under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in September's federal elections.

    BBC: Portugal continues centre-right trend

  • "We can't afford to expand immigration, when in terms of integration, we can't cope with the existing immigration, " argued Edmund Stoiber, governor of Bavaria, and the conservatives' candidate to challenge Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in Autumn elections.

    BBC: Germany in uproar over foreign workers

  • Yet these mishaps are negligible compared with the harm done by Edmund Stoiber, leader of the CSU. Out of the blue, he started bashing eastern Germans, saying he could not let the east decide Germany's future.

    ECONOMIST: Let battle commence | The

  • Above all, it would strengthen the hands of powerful rivals in Mr Kohl's own ranks, such as Kurt Biedenkopf, the premier of Saxony, and Edmund Stoiber, the Christian Social Union's premier of Bavaria, both longstanding euro-sceptics.

    ECONOMIST: Kohl rejects suicide

  • The game has been messier this time, because on its outcome has hung the career of all three opposition leaders: Angela Merkel, Edmund Stoiber and Guido Westerwelle, the bosses respectively of the Christian Democrats, of Bavaria's Christian Social Union and of the Free Democrats.

    ECONOMIST: Why it has taken so long to fill a ceremonial post

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