• These findings are included in the Early Childhood Care and Education Regional Report - Europe and North America, which will be presented and discussed at the first World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (Moscow, 27-29 September).


  • Dr. Kozue Kay Nagata, Director, UNESCO Islamabad in her message highlighted the importance of early intervention through Early Childhood Care and Education in the development of children with Down syndrome.


  • Ministers expressed concern about persistent education inequities among and within countries, and lack of progress on specific EFA goals, in particular education quality, early childhood care and education, skills development and adult literacy.


  • Demonstrated experience in linking at least two of the following areas: early childhood care education, primary education, secondary education.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (11/5/2011) (ED 197 - (P5))

  • We must also ensure that, like the countries we typically compare ourselves to, we provide quality early childhood education, health care and extended learning opportunities to all children in need.

    CNN: Commentary: Throwing billions at schools won't fix them

  • While the prospects are positive for Universal Primary Education and Gender equality, the challenges are particularly daunting for the remaining four goals, namely early childhood care and education, youth and adult skills, adult literacy and the issue of quality.


  • In the Early Childhood Care and Education category, Health Phone by Nand Wadhwani (China) was selected.


  • Addressing exclusion must start with early childhood care and education, the second policy knot.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The participants also reviewed reports on the state of early Childhood Care and Education.


  • The Organization was specifically requested to reinforce its efforts to promote and develop Early Childhood Care and Education.

    UNESCO: Conference calls for new commitment to early childhood care and education

  • It is hoped it will mobilize support from the general public and policymakers for early childhood care and education.


  • The Big Picture was launched during the 2012 Global Action Week (22-28 April), which focused on early childhood care and education.


  • Research shows that quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) has multiple benefits for individual children, their families and society as a whole.


  • Every country that is committed to inclusion, growth and social justice should have strong national early childhood care and education policies in place.

    UNESCO: Director-General opens the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in Moscow | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • It will explore mechanisms for setting benchmarks and targets, for overcoming obstacles that hinder development of early childhood care and education services and for monitoring progress towards service delivery.

    UNESCO: Education

  • This sixth meeting of the EFA High-Level Group, which has met annually since the Dakar Forum, paid special attention to the goal of expanding early childhood care and education (ECCE).

    UNESCO: Education

  • The report is one of five regional reports on Early Childhood Care and Education prepared for the conference, which is organised by UNESCO, the Russian Federation and the City of Moscow.


  • They represent the aspirations of children for education and for their lives, and aim to mobilize additional support from the general public and policy makers for early childhood care and education.


  • Ms. Mebarak Ripoll became a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund in 2003, where she promotes the expansion and improvement of comprehensive early childhood care and education across the world.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

  • However, progress towards the other goals has been much slower, notably early childhood care and education, youth and adult learning, vocational education and training, gender equality and literacy, as well as the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Education Ministers commit to achieve Education for All

  • Different regions set different priorities: Eastern and southern Africa countries choose to focus on early childhood care and education, and central and west African countries focus on improving the unfinished business of Universal Primary Education.


  • Ministers from 65 countries, along with experts, academics and practitioners of early childhood care and education are attending the event, which is organized by UNESCO, the Government of the Russian Federation and the City of Moscow.

    UNESCO: Education

  • Develop, implement and evaluate varied approaches to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in the Arab States with particular emphasis on reviewing and improving policies and practices and expanding ECCE for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • In addition to his research in the U.S., he conducts research in Chile and China, and has consulted with UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank concerning early childhood care and education in global contexts.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

  • The Moscow conference will take stock of progress made over the past decade and identify ways for countries to achieve the goal of expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most disadvantaged by 2015.

    UNESCO: Education

  • Participants firmly insisted on the need for a stronger focus on early childhood care and education, more and better qualified teachers, as well as reform of post-primary education, including technical and vocational training, and the need to concentrate more on all aspects of the quality of education.

    UNESCO: Education

  • These goals express a comprehensive view of education, from early childhood care and development to literacy and life skills for youth and adults.

    UNESCO: Scotland in Support of Education for All

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