• The caller said Lashkar-e-Taiba al-Almi had split from the larger Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba because the latter "took its orders from Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI", The Hindu said.

    BBC: Unknown Pakistan group claims India's Pune bombing

  • Modern data-mining techniques allow computers to spot patterns that might previously have passed unnoticed such as large volumes of texts or e-mails to and from areas where al-Qaeda leaders are thought to be hiding.

    ECONOMIST: The presidency

  • The U.S. government has refused to confirm reports that its intelligence agencies monitored Hasan's alleged e-mail contacts with al-Awlaki.

    CNN: Hearing postponed over Fort Hood shooting suspect's beard

  • U.S. intelligence agencies have powerful capabilities to intercept telephone calls and e-mails, but al-Qaida has become very disciplined at avoiding electronic communication.

    NPR: Risky Business: U.S. Must Rely On Foreign Spies

  • Also, activists claim to have found a series of e-mails that showed al-Assad took advice from Iran on how to handle the unrest.

    CNN: Iranians, Syrians share common cause

  • Reuters reports that the threat appeared on the organizations e-magazine, Sawt al-Jihad (Voice of Holy War), and posted on an Islamist militant web site yesterday.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Our Continued Oil Vulnerability

  • Obama failed to note that perhaps due to his work at the DEA, US law enforcement officials ignored testimonies from two of Headley's former wives in 2005 and 2007 that he was a member of Lashkar-e-Taibe, the India-focused Pakistani al-Qaida affiliate run by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Addressing Israel's homegrown enemies

  • As far as these pressure-cooker bombings are common by the al Qaeda Lashkar-e-Taiba, and this happened yesterday after just 24 hours before in Boston, in Bangalore in India, and scores were injured.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In a December 1 e-mail, Hadeel urged al-Assad to use tough language in his speeches.


  • Other e-mails contain suggestions for al-Assad's speeches and indicate further influence by Iran.


  • Among the few e-mail responses sent by al-Assad, it appears the isolated ruler is more preoccupied flirting with his British-born wife, Asma, than responding to adulation from other women.

    CNN: Flirtatious e-mails fill al-Assad's inbox

  • At the center of India's probe was the lone suspect in police custody, who Indian authorities say is Pakistani and was trained by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba -- a Pakistan-based terror group allied with al Qaeda.

    CNN: Rice heads to India to ease tensions

  • These outrages are routinely blamed on jihadist groups such as Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, tied to Bangladeshi militants, or Lashkar-e-Taiba, whose spiritual leader sermonises from Pakistan.

    ECONOMIST: Terrorists strike one of India's tourist capitals

  • Hasan and al-Awlaki exchanged 18 e-mails between December 2008 and June 2009, but the task force in San Diego only passed two of the messages on to Washington, according to the Webster report.


  • Counterterrorism investigators monitoring al-Awlaki came across the e-mails with Hasan during their investigation last year.


  • In the cache of nearly 3, 000 e-mails obtained by CNN, it does not appear al-Assad reciprocates her advances.

    CNN: Flirtatious e-mails fill al-Assad's inbox

  • The MB is the political wing of the global Jihadist insurgency, with groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Abu Sayyaf, and Jemmah Islamiyah being the military wing of that insurgency.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: NPR successfully influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood

  • Recently, however, the al-Qaida inspired group Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan has made strides at recruiting European fighters for attacks against the West, according to Noman Benotman, a former jihadist fighter who now works for the London-based Quillium Foundation.

    NPR: Russia's Chechnya Has Seen Decades Of War, Terror

  • As with other controversies of the moment (notably, National Security Agency wiretaps of international communications involving al Qaeda-connected phone numbers and e-mail addresses in the United States, alleged CIA "secret prisons" in Europe and treatment of terror suspects that they, or the American advocates, might find "degrading"), one thing is clear: The use of such measures is the exception, not the norm.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: It's 'triage,' stupid

  • In one e-mail, Hasan said he could not wait to join al-Awlaki in the afterlife, where they could have discussions over non-alcoholic wine.


  • In one e-mail exchange with an art dealer in London, Asma al-Assad, apparently using a false name, inquires about six artworks that all feature butterflies.


  • One of al-Assad's advisers apparently sent an e-mail containing a picture of a woman wearing only a G-string and a bra.


  • Al-Ahmed told CNN Wednesday the cache of e-mails obtained by the network are "all nonsense" and denied the authenticity of what appeared to be his correspondence with al-Assad.

    CNN: E-mails show Syrian regime's efforts to handle the media

  • Al Halabi, an American of Syrian descent, allegedly e-mailed information that included details about the base's flight schedule to contacts in Syria, officials said.

    CNN: Airman charged with espionage at Guantanamo

  • The lobbying e-mails were sent Tuesday, the day after Levin called for the ouster of al-Maliki upon returning from an official trip to Iraq with Warner.

    CNN: Powerhouse GOP firm working to undermine Iraqi PM

  • Earlier this week, an e-mail dropped into my lap from Saudi Arabia's chief climate negotiator Mohammed Al-Sabban, a veteran of the process with a reputation for being a tough operator.

    BBC: Climate: Fractures in the lobby?

  • That is, the court astoundingly reasoned that because al Qaeda is a sub-sovereign, transnational terror network i.e.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Lawfare strikes again

  • Sheherazad Jaafari had coached al-Assad before the interview on how to describe the violence there, according to e-mails purportedly from Syrian officials released in February by the hacking group known as Anonymous.

    CNN: Syria's U.N. ambassador rips criticism of his daughter

  • One Republican congressional aide who received the e-mails this week expressed surprise that a lobbying firm with such close ties to the White House would attack al-Maliki at such a pivotal time on the debate over the war, just weeks before Bush provides a progress report to the nation.

    CNN: Powerhouse GOP firm working to undermine Iraqi PM

  • Al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah, for instance, was arrested at the home of a Lashkar-e-Tayyiba leader in Pakistan in 2002.

    CNN: Commentary: How U.S. should respond to Mumbai attacks

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