• What's more, news reports out of Pyongyang indicate that the government there runs museums documenting alleged U.S. war crimes during the Korean War, and that state-run TV portrays people in the West - in contrast to the North Koreans - as poor, hungry, and deprived by their government.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: "Meet coercion with hard blows"

  • Neither their fate, nor that of Americans captured during the Korean War, received attention.

    ECONOMIST: Americans in the Gulag

  • Before he became an astronaut, Armstrong served in the Navy as a pilot during the Korean War.

    FORBES: Neil Armstrong, First Man To Walk On Moon, Dead At 82

  • In 1980 he won an Emmy award for his portrayal, which was set during the Korean War.

    BBC: Mash star Harry Morgan dies aged 96

  • He flew Navy fighter jets during the Korean War in the 1950s, and joined the US space programme in 1962.

    BBC: US astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, first man on Moon

  • There's a reason that U.S. ground forces haven't suffered a battlefield casualty from hostile aircraft since 1952, during the Korean War.

    FORBES: Resurrect the Raptor

  • Kennan gave counsel to the Administration during the Korean War, and was instrumental in setting up the covert-operations wing of the Central Intelligence Agency.

    NEWYORKER: Getting Real

  • During the Korean War, they were as high as 92 percent.

    FORBES: Weird tax tidbits

  • After serving three years in the Army during the Korean War, he earned a master's degree in American history from the University of Wisconsin in 1956.

    WSJ: Journalist and author Haynes Johnson dies at 81

  • Defense officials acknowledged that North Korean military officers are particularly agitated by bomber flights because of memories of the destruction wrought from the air during the Korean War.

    WSJ: North Korea Warned

  • The astonishing figure includes 83, 000 South Koreans captured during the Korean war of 1950-53, and 93, 000 ethnic-Korean residents of Japan who ended up in North Korea, unable to leave.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Walter Demerly(ph), who served as an engineer for the Army during the Korean War, says he, too, supported the invasion of Iraq and later felt misled by the president.

    NPR: Bush Attacks Critics of Iraq War at Rally

  • Chinese trucks crossing the Friendship bridge built by the Japanese in 1943 and bombed by the Americans during the Korean war are filled with more than just the bare necessities of life.

    ECONOMIST: Slowly, trade is picking up

  • Desperate for food and financial aid, the North Koreans have lately been a good deal more accommodating to America about unearthing the remains of soldiers classified as missing-in-action during the Korean war.

    ECONOMIST: Japan and North Korea

  • Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has traveled to North Korea several times, most recently in April 2007 to secure the return of the remains of American soldiers killed during the Korean War.

    CNN: N. Korea feels 'owed' direct talks with U.S., Richardson says

  • The 15, 000-member KWVA, chartered by Congress in 2008, was formed as a charitable entity to "organize, promote and maintain for benevolent and charitable purposes an association of persons who have seen honorable service during the Korean War" defined as from June 25, 1950, to January 1955.

    WSJ: Korean vets assoc. president wore brother's medals

  • The foreigners there among them, the 100-member orchestra, a former American defence secretary, William Perry, and Yoko Nagae Ceschina, the rich Japanese widow of an Italian count, who helped pay for the North Korean visit included the biggest American contingent to visit Pyongyang since the city was briefly occupied by American forces during the Korean war.

    ECONOMIST: Cultural diplomacy

  • Current U.S. spending of 3.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defense programs is astonishingly lower than the 38% spent at the close of WWII, the 11.7% spent during the Korean War, the 9.8% spent at the height of the Vietnam War, or the average of 5.2% spent during the last decade of the Cold War.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy

  • North Korea's apparent reluctance to reform its economy ranks among Beijing's biggest frustrations, and the thorny nature of the bilateral relationship is on show along the frigid Yalu River, which forms part of the border Chinese troops crossed to rescue North Korean forces during the 1950-53 Korean War.

    NPR: North Korea Nuke Test Could Test China's Patience

  • You were fortunate, however, to be in during the space between the Korean War and Vietnam.

    FORBES: Dear Dad, With Love

  • Washington devotes more money in real terms to the Pentagon today than during the Cold War, Korean War, or Vietnam War.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Because of this foolishly interventionist policy America spends more, in real, inflation-adjusted terms, than at any point during the Cold War, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

    FORBES: Why Are U.S. Troops Still In Korea?

  • In real terms Washington has been spending more on the military than during the Cold War, Korean War, or Vietnam War, all out of proportion to the current threat environment.

    FORBES: Republicans Mislead Their Base With Handwringing Over Sequester Defense Cuts

  • Sweden is the protecting power for the United States in North Korea because the two countries, which fought on opposite sides during the three-year Korean war in the 1950s, do not have diplomatic relations.

    CNN: Families lobby media before journalists' North Korean trial

  • And when the Korean War broke out during his father's rule, he was spirited him off to the safety of Manchuria.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Korea: New, Improved Dictator

  • During the arms race that followed the Korean War, it designed and developed warheads that kept our nuclear capabilities second to none.

    WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden: The Path to Nuclear Security

  • He has, for instance, praised Japan's occupation of Korea from 1910-45, even though his family fortune derives from a mining company that used Korean slave labour during the second world war.

    ECONOMIST: Japan and its history

  • He has, for instance, praised Japan's colonial occupation of Korea from 1910-45 though the Aso mining company from which the family's fortunes derive used Korean slave labour during the second world war.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s history wars erupt again

  • Many Korean artworks were looted during the Japanese colonial period (1910--45) and the Korean War (1950--53), so the Lees had to retrieve some of them through subterfuge.

    FORBES: Art and Seoul

  • It followed similar missions earlier this month by B-52 bombers during the annual U.S.-South Korean war games.

    WSJ: North Korea Warned

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