He said the attraction was also "dressing up", with a strict black tie dress code.
Even when the dress code is jeans, make sure they are not ripped or stained.
The easy commute, for starters, followed by the flexibility and the informal dress code.
When she threw one of her dinner parties, there were hand-made invitations, a dress code.
Most of these people were former Democrats and the dress code was formal, not Chuck Norris denim.
But beyond that, the vast majority of new dress code regulations are very specifically meant for women.
FORBES: Major League Baseball's New Media Guidelines... And Are All Dress Codes Sexist?
Clerics watch for the proper dress code but will provide suitable attire if you show up bare-kneed.
She urged employees to honor the dress code out of respect for her, if for no other reason.
Derek, however, may feel a little more comfortable with the dress code at the Casino on July 29th.
Pay attention to the culture of the company and the optimal dress code for the role you desire.
Consider mandating a dress code, and dress up their sales collateral to match the image you wish to portray.
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The dress code was glamour circa 1988, and the bouncers sent the unsuitable to the back of the line.
Institute a strict neck-to-knee dress code, so that everyone is above suspicion of seeking attention by wearing revealing clothing.
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Next the corporate overlords in Columbus, Ohio imposed a dress code: "business casual" instead of T shirts and shorts.
And that the stricter dress code was a means of assuring that.
FORBES: Major League Baseball's New Media Guidelines... And Are All Dress Codes Sexist?
The adjudicators also made sure that the 'sisters' observed a strict dress code.
The Silicon Valley dress code, and indeed the attire for most of the high tech sector, is quite lax.
If the egg-shape gizmo is too futuristic for your corporate dress code, you can put it in your pocket.
The government's response has been to issue a sort of German dress code.
This has resulted in proposals for a more detailed dress code which will go before the council's regulatory committee on Friday.
In fact, prior to the 1990s, IBM was often as well known for their dress code as they were their computers.
Is the new dress code an indicator that major league sports are looking to protect themselves from future Ines Sainz scandals?
FORBES: Major League Baseball's New Media Guidelines... And Are All Dress Codes Sexist?
And Muslim women who observe a strict dress code are seen as a challenge to European notions of secularism and modernity.
Remember you are in a Muslim country, so a strict dress code is enforced and women are obliged to cover their head.
Corporate America has a dress code and it applies to your hair.
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She has never worn them again and now makes sure to check the dress code, preferring to err on the conservative side.
Of course, some people believe corporate dress code policy should remain sacred.
In fact, I found the black and white dress code rather suspect.
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The dress code may sound outmoded and overly strict but most racegoers enjoy dressing up for what is always a very special occasion.
For prom, students have to sign a document acknowledging they will abide by the dress code or be turned away at the door.