• Lula ordered Brazilian diplomatic officials to summon Venezuela's ambassador to explain the Venezuelan leader's comments.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: RCTV: Dictatorship, Chavez style

  • Fifth, after the marches in Puno, Venezuelan diplomatic officials now have their eyes set on another city, Loreto.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez's dangerous intervention in Peru

  • U.S. diplomatic officials view Maduro as a pragmatist and the fact that he was supportive of initiating closer ties with the United States last year suggests that this could continue, especially in light of Venezuela's economic troubles and the need to increase revenues through trade.

    CNN: Ahmadinejad's hug and the future of Chavez's alliance

  • Throughout Thursday, U.S. officials insisted Mr. Chen had had a "change of heart" and diplomatic officials scrambled to ascertain what he really wanted, meeting with him and his wife at a Beijing hospital where he is undergoing treatment for injuries sustained during a risky escape from his home detention.

    WSJ: Chinese Activist Makes Plea to U.S. Congress

  • Unnamed officials speaking to the New York Times questioned whether Bureau of Diplomatic Security officials had the authority to offer such deals - making the legal validity of the offers unclear.


  • The department dispatched teams of diplomatic and military officials to assess 19 high-threat posts and recommend security arrangements for each one.

    WSJ: Clinton Defends Response to Benghazi, Libya, Attacks

  • At the meeting, Clinton stressed the need for the State Department to implement a review board's recommendations for improving the security at high-threat diplomatic posts, officials said.

    NPR: Hillary Clinton Back At Work After Hospitalization

  • For instance, Israel should suspend the issuance of diplomatic visas to British officials while it "studies" the British universal jurisdiction statute.


  • He has also lifted the ban on U.S. diplomatic contacts with Iranian officials and has sought to directly cooperate with Tehran on issues such as narcotics trafficking and piracy.

    WSJ: Obama Calls for Unity With Muslims

  • The Washington Post reports that in a major reversal, Saudi Arabia has agreed to new agreements that will allow expanded U.S. air operations from Saudi territory, including full use of Prince Sultan Air Base as an air operations center, in the event of war against Iraq, according to senior U.S. officials and diplomatic sources.


  • The U.S. denounced the launch, but did not consider it a threat to national security, and officials vowed a diplomatic rather than a military response.

    NPR: North Korea's Neighbors Weigh Response to Tests

  • These men, according to the officials, had used diplomatic cover or other professional identities and had gathered intelligence independently.

    ECONOMIST: A little light eavesdropping

  • Rather than get angry at Turkey, the Bush administration argued that its senior officials had played the diplomatic game poorly.


  • The early years of Benedict's papacy saw a stream of diplomatic gaffes, which many Vatican officials blamed on his secretary of state's lack of experience.

    ECONOMIST: The Vatican��s woes: God��s bankers | The

  • But the reality is the official name is used only by Mexican officials who deal with diplomatic protocol and official documents pertaining to international relations.

    CNN: After nearly 200 years, Mexico may make the name official

  • The explosives-laden car was detonated just outside the embassy building in Tripoli's upscale al-Andalus neighborhood early in the morning, before any of the embassy staff had arrived inside the diplomatic mission, two Libyan security officials said.

    NPR: Car Bomb Targets French Embassy In Libya

  • The BBC's diplomatic correspondent Barnaby Mason says UK officials expect a statement to come out of the summit identifying terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as the pre-eminent threat to international security.

    BBC: G8 tackles trade and terror

  • While the Iraqi weapons crisis remains unresolved, American officials have preferred a diplomatic approach to North Korean issues, rather than risk provoking an even worse stand-off with the country's secretive and unpredictable leader, Kim Jong Il.

    ECONOMIST: Now two rogues challenge Bush | The

  • Since Google revealed in January of 2010 that its systems had been penetrated by China-based hackers, the phenomenon of Chinese cyberspying has been an open secret, widely discussed by the cybersecurity community but rarely mentioned by U.S. government officials for fear of diplomatic repercussions.

    FORBES: Here's The U.S. Government Report That Openly Calls Out China On Economic Cyberspying

  • But due to the Obama administration's diplomatic fecklessness and ideological blinders, administration officials were incapable of making these points.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time to plan for war

  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, after Monday's attacks, said U.S. officials would work to protect diplomatic personnel around the world.

    WSJ: Botched Thai Bombing Plot Ratchets Up Pressure on Iran

  • Hijazi entered Syria on an Iraqi diplomatic passport, U.S. officials said.

    CNN: U.S.: Ex-Iraqi intel chief in Syria

  • Officials also outlined a series of diplomatic actions to reinforce the administration's commitment to curbing such thefts.

    WSJ: U.S. Unveils New Strategy to Combat Hacking

  • Australian officials were instructed not to provide diplomatic refuge under any circumstances, not even to people being pursued by armed enemies.

    CNN: The Killing Fields?

  • You could say that the Justice Department is proceeding on this and U.S. officials in state or in a diplomatic mission like in Canberra wouldn't be aware of it.


  • He used the country name preferred by the government - US officials described the move as a "diplomatic courtesy" but not a policy shift.

    BBC: US President Obama hails Burma's 'remarkable journey'

  • Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough said the diplomatic push, informally called Plan A by government officials, is still the only game plan for Syria.

    CNN: Military options for Syria considered if crisis worsens

  • Over the past two decades thousands of Chinese government and state enterprise officials have fanned out throughout Africa for diplomatic recognition, educational and arts programs, FDI and business loans, giant construction projects, and business and trade deals.

    FORBES: China Turns Its Focus To Africa

  • More important is Mr Watson's claim that Sotheby's has handled countless smuggled antiquities from Italy and, on a bigger scale, India where unscrupulous dealers ship off rich pickings from their cultural heritage by the container-load, aided by officials happy to overlook misuse of the diplomatic bag.

    ECONOMIST: Auction houses

  • Bowing to intense diplomatic pressure, Mr Assad let him question senior intelligence officials, including Mr Kanaan and his successor in Lebanon until the Syrian withdrawal, Rustum Ghazale.

    ECONOMIST: A rather convenient suicide | The

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