• Fielden's capture highlights Wigan's determination - or desperation - to stay in the top flight.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • Veterans approached the monument slowly but with determination - bending to lay the wreath.

    BBC: The Queen at the Cenotaph

  • He points to the quality that cannot be taught - determination - as a major factor in his success.

    BBC: Scotland's record breaker

  • The beauty of a public charter school lies in its great autonomy and self-determination -- this is what drew me to charter schools in the first place.

    CNN: Commentary: Give kids a beacon of hope

  • The ruling centre-right Popular Party of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar -- a staunch opponent of Basque self-determination -- emerged as the region's second political force thanks to its alliance with the smaller conservative party.

    CNN: UK asked to extradite ETA suspect

  • It has repeated its long-held position to a United Nations committee that the UN Charter gives the people of the territory an unqualified right to self-determination - a right that cannot be overridden by treaties or other international agreements.

    BBC: Analysis: Crunch talks for Rock

  • The vote -- the latest in a series of actions pushing self-determination -- comes during a tumultuous period in Catalan and Spanish politics, in the midst of Spain's deep economic crisis, which some analysts say is what has brought the long-simmering independence issue to the forefront.

    CNN: Catalan parliament declaration pushes self-determination

  • But our focus is on moving quickly with intensity and determination -- collegiality and optimism -- to reach an agreement -- (laughter) -- no seriously, to reach an agreement in the negotiations being led by the Vice President on deficit reduction and dealing with our long-term debt.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Instead there will be a slightly messier process, in which there is central determination - by the EBA, in collaboration with national regulators - of how much individual banks need, and then individual countries will decide how the money can and should be injected into their respective banks.

    BBC: Will euro banks be saved before meltdown?

  • Yesterday we witnessed a small but remarkable display of that determination -- some of you may have seen it -- Haitians with little more than the clothes on their back marched peacefully through a ruined neighborhood, and despite all their loss and all their suffering they sang songs of faith and songs of hope.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidents Obama, Bush, & Clinton: Help for Haiti

  • After her release last July -- charisma and determination intact -- she did at first appear uncertain about how to carry on her struggle for democracy.


  • No government in the foreseeable future is likely to tackle co-determination and two-tier boards head on.

    ECONOMIST: Corporate governance in Germany

  • Despite the clarity of the history, he added, there was the fundamental right to self-determination "to which no-one can attach conditions".

    BBC: Falklands referendum: Islanders vote on British status

  • A-B InBev needs a transparent crisis-management strategy with determination, self-reliance and a degree of success that is particularly notable to the consumer.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • The bad news is that there are persistent leaks to the effect that these Shermanesque statements are to be taken with the same grain of salt as Mr. Bush's declared determination pre-election to keep Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon for the duration of his term.


  • The Muslims' struggle for self-determination had been going on for four-hundred years, he told me.

    BBC: The holy warriors of Mindanao

  • The main reason for the resulting rise in the number of mini-countries is the shift from empire or dictatorship to self-determination, especially in the past quarter-century.

    ECONOMIST: How big should a nation-state be?

  • The local wish for self-determination could make the Andar movement a longer-term challenge for the central government's authority.

    WSJ: Taliban Targeted by Local Uprisings

  • The referenda on self-determination scheduled for January 9th must take place -- peacefully and on time, the will of the people of South Sudan and the region of Abyei must be respected, regardless of the outcome.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Attends Ministerial Meeting on Sudan

  • They agreed to discuss the outstanding issues of state and religion, self-determination for the people of southern Sudan, power-sharing, wealth-sharing and human rights.

    BBC: Statement on Sudanese peace talks

  • The Chechen conflict was never a high-minded fight for self-determination: since the Soviet Union's break-up it has been essentially a battle between Moscow and Chechnya's local leaders for control of the republic's oil revenues.

    ECONOMIST: Victims of a conflict without end | The

  • To acknowledge and then to implement the Palestine right to self-determination, and to make sure that the two-state solution is a just and fair solution, allowing for the creation of a viable state alongside Israel on the 1967 boundaries, and if there are any changes, they are by agreement on a swap basis.

    NPR: Jimmy Carter on Conflict in the Middle East

  • Co-determination between management and unions with its built-in checks and balances is an advantage for German companies that want to plan for the long term, he argues.

    ECONOMIST: German companies

  • Bush Doctrine: As a successor to the Reagan Doctrine, a Bush Doctrine should be articulated early in the new administration stating that the United States will provide economic, diplomatic and appropriate military assistance to reverse the consolidation or expansion of communist regimes in the Third World and to promote self-determination and freedom through the achievement of independent, non-communist regimes.


  • Support rises to 75% for those Quebeckers with the strongest and geographically the widest claims for self-determination, the Cree, Inuit and Innu who occupy the resource-rich northern two-thirds of the province.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • Listen, Florida -- Orlando, I want you to know my hair may be grayer than it was four years ago -- (laughter) -- I may be turning 51, but my determination to do right by you, to fight for you, to think about you every single day -- (applause) -- that determination is stronger than ever.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • And as we -- as countries make this determination about where they -- the approach they want to take to this issue, they should understand that the genie is out of the bottle -- Assad's regime will fall.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • They will construe the continuing subordination of the American missile defense program to the dictates of the ABM Treaty as evidence that -- notwithstanding W.'s oft-declared determination to "move beyond" that accord -- in fact, like his predecessors, he will recoil from doing so.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Your ability to break a big story, doggedly follow a tip or score a career-making interview should be based on grit, determination, a can-do attitude and a killer ability to craft a lede.

    FORBES: Are Creative Careers Now Reserved Exclusively For The Privileged?

  • My people, whose self-determination (was) taken away by colonial power in the Anglo World War.


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