• In northern California alone, the current power deficit averages 2, 000 to 3, 000 megawatts per hour, according to the California Independent System Operator, the agency set up to monitor the state's power grid.

    CNN: The California power quagmire

  • How convenient it was to assume that government could take over the health-care system, raise taxes, hugely expand regulatory power and unleash a deficit spending orgy without producing a significant deviation in the growth trend of the previous quarter century.

    WSJ: Phil Gramm: The Obama Growth Discount

  • Jiangsu is expecting especially severe shortages as the result of an estimated 16% deficit between supply and demand for electric power this summer.

    FORBES: China Braces for Blackouts

  • The U.S., for years burdened with a multi-billion-dollar trade deficit, had no problem because of the power of the dollar.


  • As long as our dollars stay abroad, they are gradually losing buying power, which effectively reduces the trade deficit if these dollars ever do return home.

    FORBES: The Benefits of Free Trade Agreements: The Country Always Wins

  • If those cuts were not enough to reduce the deficit sufficiently, Obama proposed to give even more power to the unelected, unaccountable, Washington bureaucrats on his Commission to cut Medicare further, by undemocratic automatic sequester that bypasses Congress entirely.

    FORBES: Why Paul Ryan's Medicare Is So Much Better Than Obama's

  • And it will destroy living standards in a country that has no means of financing a current-account deficit and so must eliminate it by shrinking domestic purchasing power.


  • It has emphasised that it is trying to get to grips with a budget deficit and working practices which were created when Labour was in power.

    BBC: News Online

  • The government says the deficit has been reduced by a quarter since it came to power but Labour says the coalition's strategy has failed and a lack of growth over the last year has forced borrowing up again.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • And I think there is a democratic deficit in this country and it is about how we get power not just from Whitehall to the County Hall or the Town Hall, it's also how do we involve local people at street and neighbourhood level.

    BBC: Politics Show, Sunday 23 October 2005

  • The parliament has long accrued power by arguing that it offers a cure for the democratic deficit in European construction.

    ECONOMIST: European politics

  • He said the deficit had been cut by a quarter since the coalition came to the power and unemployment had fallen for the past eight months.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • At least with deficit spending we all gain, but a few have achieved tremendous wealth and power as a result of financialization and the change in income distribution.

    FORBES: The Great Recession: How We Got Here (and How to Get Out)

  • However, golf requires both power and precision -- which Phelps, who was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder as a child, is slowly learning to combine.

    CNN: Post Olympics life: Michael Phelps' golf growing pains

  • Minnesota overcame a 2-0 deficit in the third period, cutting it to one on Nate Schmidt's power-play goal and tying it on Zach Budish's goal with 6:20 left.

    WSJ: Jesse Root lifts Yale past Minnesota in OT

  • But these efforts will not immediately offset the amount of power the eight forgone plants were expected to produce, meaning that new power plants, particularly coal plants, will be needed to fill the energy deficit.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The President inherited the largest deficit in the history of the country from an administration that had, when it came into power eight years previous, inherited budget surpluses from a Democratic President.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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