• Key Palestinian spokesmen like Saeb Erekat have declared the death of the peace process and called for the renewal of the jihad against Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity

  • "I don't see his death bringing me peace, " O'Farrill said.

    NPR: Prosecutors Not Ready To Agree To Holmes Plea

  • It says Mr Sharon is bent on dealing a "death blow" to peace, while the Laborites "may wish to give peace with the Palestinians a chance", by sending a signal they are against settlement expansion.

    BBC: Press gloomy on government crisis

  • The opposite was the result, for with Lincoln's death, the possibility of peace with magnanimity died.

    WHITEHOUSE: Abraham Lincoln

  • But Israel's peace camp, led by Mr Barak, accused Mr Netanyahu, during his time as prime minister, of choking the peace process to death.

    ECONOMIST: Long accouchement, broad baby

  • When Mr Blair was prime minister, such negotiations revolved around epic issues the search for an entirely new political dispensation, how to defang heavily armed groups, war and peace, life and death.

    ECONOMIST: Northern Ireland

  • Haskell, may he rest in peace, demanded a daily death march at breakneck speed.

    CNN: Healthy habits: A month of living perfectly

  • Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said the death could be a turning point for peace if the Palestinians "ceased terrorism" and waged a "war on terror".

    BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Veteran leader Yasser Arafat dies

  • Justice of the Peace John Logan passed the death sentence on the dog last month following a complaint from Mr Shaw's neighbour who said Sam's barking over many years was a nuisance.

    BBC: Death row dog to be retrained

  • In other words, if John sacrifices himself now for something he now values (such as the end of a war), then after death he might not continue valuing the peace he sacrificed himself to achieve.

    FORBES: What Was Ayn Rand Wrong About?

  • Mr Beye, a Malian who had devoted five years to bringing peace to Angola, had concluded a few weeks before his death that there was nothing more he could do for a country whose leaders were not interested in peace.

    ECONOMIST: Angola on the way to war

  • Expecting that a new page will be opened by Arafat's death means thinking that the only obstacle to peace was Arafat.

    BBC: NEWS | Middle East | World press reflects on Arafat legacy

  • He was allowed out for the talks, and the Sierra Leonean government has indicated that it will annul the death sentence but only if the peace talks succeed.

    ECONOMIST: Waking from Sierra Leone’s long nightmare | The

  • Several journalists, human-rights workers and intellectuals have been murdered this year, in some cases apparently by a right-wing death squad linked to dissident military officers opposed to peace.

    ECONOMIST: Pastrana��s many battles

  • Given that there is no chance that Israeli territorial giveaways will lead to a peaceful Palestinian state, the question arises, is there any way to compel American politicians to give up their fantasies of fancy signing ceremonies in the White House Rose Garden that far from bringing peace, engender radicalism, instability and death?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: History's tragic farce

  • This inviolate "death and taxes" truth sustained me--a peace-loving granny, a tree-hugging liberal--through 64 years of protected, upper-middle-class subsistence.

    NEWSWEEK: Culture

  • Making matters worse, the United Nations mission, which has the thankless task of trying to keep peace alive, is totally disoriented after the death on June 26th of its chief, Alioune Blondin Beye.

    ECONOMIST: Angola on the way to war

  • At this Easter season, British and Irish leaders have followed the admonition of Luke to give light to them who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide their feet into the way of peace.


  • On the political issues those matters of war and peace, and in some cases of life and death we trusted the judgment of our national leaders.

    NPR: State of the Union: Democratic Response Text

  • With a half century of total war ending and something like peace breaking out politics loses its life-and-death drama.

    FORBES: None Of The Above: 2012, A Transformational Political Year?

  • But the death last week of Mr Nyerere casts doubt on the prospects for peace, which had already been badly undermined by violence.

    ECONOMIST: Burundi: Murder and manhunts | The

  • Nursing professor Karen Kehl, in an article called "Moving Toward Peace: An Analysis of the Concept of a Good Death, " ranked the attributes of a graceful death, among them: being comfortable and in control, having a sense of closure, making the most of relationships and having family involved in care.

    WSJ: Why Doctors Die Differently

  • Mr Diallo has been sent to fill the vacuum left by the death of the previous mediator, Alioune Blondin Beye, and to steer the peace process back on to solid ground.

    ECONOMIST: Angola

  • "It is important that his death does not derail efforts to engage with those willing to renounce violence and work towards peace, " he said on 18 October 2011.

    BBC: Philip Hammond: Afghanistan progress not 'irreversible'

  • While many of my colleagues still label these groups as militants (rather than death-worshipping terror cults), most Gazan youth have been so thoroughly indoctrinated that seeking peace with them would be like asking Americans to negotiate with al-Qaeda.

    FORBES: My Family In Israel: One Direct Hit, Two Near Misses -- And The Brainwashing Behind The Rockets

  • With Rabin's death, the prospects for improved relations with Syria and Lebanon, considered the next phase in the peace process, have dimmed.

    CNN: Israel's talks with Syria, Lebanon in limbo

  • The day an Israeli government accepts the plan - which again will form the basis of the Obama "peace conference" - is the day that the State of Israel signs its own death warrant.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft

  • The death of Unita leader Jonas Savimbi in a gunfight with government forces in February 2002 raised the prospect of peace and the army and rebels signed a ceasefire in April to end the conflict.

    BBC: Angola profile

  • On Friday the yanis still adorns Queen Noor al Hussein, 47, as she steps into the sitting room of her family home, Bab al Salaam (Door of Peace), to speak with a reporter for the first time since her husband's death.

    CNN: Talking with a queen

  • After yet another abortive United Nations peace initiative, Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said recently he feared the country might bleed to death.

    CNN: A Workable Plan

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