• The team had followed my advice on adding sound, and on using an exacto knife to cut the paper to give a very sharp look of light.

    CNN: Interview with Nelson Shin

  • Lately, however, the infractions have been piling up, and the very most recent may be too clear-cut for the paper to gloss over.

    FORBES: Will the NY Times Give David Pogue Another Pass on Ethics?

  • While conceding that Spain "cannot control what Germany does or force the Opec hawks to cut petrol prices", the paper points out that the government "could at least put in place the means to prevent our inflation surge from turning into a vicious circle of stagnation and unemployment".

    BBC: European press review

  • Over in print media, Janet Robinson , chief executive of The New York Times Co. (nyse: NYT - news - people ), plans to shrink the width of its flagship paper and cut 250 jobs in the face of a dismal profit picture.

    FORBES: Media Muscle Women

  • On Mersea Island, to cut down on the weight of paper they have to carry, the biggest newsagent thoughtfully takes out all the advertising supplements at the shop and chucks them in the bin first.


  • The creases could cut paper.

    FORBES: My Ethical Dilemma

  • What he has never said, and what I attempted, I thought, to appropriately mock yesterday, was the idea that there are magic solutions, that you can put forward a proposal to cut the price at the pump in half on a piece of paper with a couple of magic beans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Keller, likely worn from the junior high school antics, figures he can cut out the middleman and likely save himself and his paper a whole lot of hassle going forward if he takes the leak machinery in-house.

    FORBES: The Times Plans an 'EZ Pass Lane for Leakers'

  • But shadow universities minister Gareth Thomas denounced the White Paper as "a desperate drive to cut fees, no matter what the effect on quality".

    BBC: Higher education shake-up statement

  • While you may want to keep certain documents strictly one-sided, you can cut paper costs by printing certain documents and printouts on both sides of the paper.

    FORBES: How To Run A Home Office On A Budget

  • In New York, at the 20 media magazines that include Variety, Tad S. Smith, the unit's president, cut head count 16%, saved printing costs by slightly trimming the paper size and tightened circulation by cutting out unnecessary freebies to advertisers and his colleagues at Reed.

    FORBES: Double Dutch No Longer

  • Engineers designed the dies on paper, and skilled craftsmen used hand-operated machinery to cut the die from a hunk of steel.

    FORBES: A Savior From the East

  • The mounting concerns about overnight interbank rates and the commercial-paper market have led many investors to argue that the Fed should cut rates to restore calm.

    ECONOMIST: The crisis in the debt markets

  • The recent white paper makes a cut in federal spending to under 20% of GDP (from an estimated 23% in 2012) its policy priority.

    ECONOMIST: Bucking up this recovery is harder than it was in the past

  • This bust-up was to be about the UK Government's Green Paper - a consultation in other words - on how the proposed cut to the number of Westminster seats in Wales from 40 to 30 should impact on the way AMs are elected in future.

    BBC: When David met Carwyn: the sequel

  • He wads up a sheet of toilet paper and holds it to the cut.

    NEWYORKER: Midnight in Dostoevsky

  • The government is working on measures that will cut the wages, which amount to 70% of the nation's total revenue, Biti told the paper.

    CNN: 5 must-reads from around Africa

  • The trick was to cut small quantities of meat into paper-thin slices, season them with condiments, preserves, and spices, add whatever vegetables you could grow or barter, and keep adding until you arrived at a dish so tasty that you forgot how little meat was in it.

    NEWYORKER: A Fork of One��s Own

  • It is made of black and white rice paper and sewn into the bodice are laser-cut buttons.

    FORBES: The Future of Fashion: Download File and Print

  • Since almost no small businesses issue bonds or commercial paper, the real American job creators are effectively cut out of the foreign investment market while big business has access to cheap money.

    FORBES: How Washington Starves Small Business Of Foreign Capital

  • The paper adds that Google is not expected to get a cut of the transaction fees, though it will offer retailers more data about their customers and help with targeting ads and special discounts.

    FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Apple, Google, Firefox

  • By switching to Perseco, the buyer for McDonald's paper goods worldwide, Chipotle has cut its napkin and packaging costs by 20% .

    FORBES: Beyond Burgers

  • But poor employees are humiliated: the slowest worker on each shift must publicly explain his or her shortcomings, middle managers who fall short are named in the firm's weekly paper, and ineffectual senior managers must volunteer a pay cut.

    ECONOMIST: China and the chaebol | The

  • The paper industry consumes a tremendous amount of energy and raw materials: thin cardboard could cut both.

    FORBES: Shirts That Repel Red Wine? Thank Fossilized Fabrics

  • Europe's new Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard recently published a paper that set out the arguments why the EU should commit itself to a unilateral cut of 30% by 2020.

    BBC: EU 'half way to 2020 emissions target'

  • Which is why I go through them box by box, paper by paper, and run them through my cross-cut shredder so that they forever disappear from the universe of useable data.

    FORBES: Of Indian Summer, Shredders, and Trash Pulls

  • This leaves only one option for any big city paper that wishes to survive: It must cut editorial costs to something that can be supported by the revenues that they can, in fact, garner.

    FORBES: Why I Think The New York Times Is Going To Go Bust

  • The discussion paper goes on to make some bold claims about tax revenue going up if tax rates are cut.

    BBC: Taxing times for Scottish business

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