• Last month, Shelter Cymru said Wales needs 4, 000 new affordable homes a year just to meet current demand.

    BBC: Churches turning into affordable homes talks held

  • It added that in the last two years it had made investments to ensure it is "adequately resourced to meet current demand".

    BBC: Failings found in child services

  • What matters in both cases is whether the companies can match their production to current demand and generate solid profits while doing it.

    FORBES: Leadership, Not Another Bailout, Will Fix GM (And No, It Is Not Going Bankrupt)

  • Right now there are still positive numbers in transportation, but manufacturing is starting to weaken as inventory rebuilding catches up and surpasses current demand.

    FORBES: Mister Softee For A Hot Summer Bounce

  • It has examined current demand and congestion forecasts on the Underground after 2020 and assessed the impact on the system of new national projects such as HS2.

    BBC: Crossrail 2 stations proposed by London business leaders

  • That points to a jobs crisis of an entirely different nature: A woefully inadequate supply of STEM graduates to meet the current demand for engineers and scientists.

    FORBES: Solving The Other Jobs Crisis: Creating An Innovation Culture

  • Without it, the demand for crude oil would have risen beyond the current demand figures, thus driving up on prices as well as straining broader geopolitical relations.

    FORBES: Will ConocoPhillips Help China Tap Its Shale Gas Reserves?

  • In areas where there is a high current demand for rented housing, the report says land could be made available to developers on the grounds that a proportion of the homes built be let out to tenants.

    BBC: UK private rental sector must grow, says Montague report

  • As Nansen Saleri, the CEO of Quantum Reserve Impact in Houston and former head of reservoir management for Saudi Aramco, reported in his article in The Wall Street Journal, existing oil capacity exceeds current demand by between 3 million and 5 million barrels of oil a day.

    FORBES: Angry Over Oil Price? Demand A Change In Fed Policy

  • Transforming education so that it meets the needs of all children is a complex and difficult task that spans issues ranging from the global shortage of trained, qualified teachers--UNESCO estimates that we need 18 million new teachers to meet current demand--to the problems of overcrowded schools, aging infrastructure, obsolete equipment and textbooks, and outdated teaching methods and curricula.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • At current usage and demand "India needs 15 years of demand to absorb this current supply, " he adds.

    FORBES: Heads Up

  • On the plus side, hard-working entrepreneurs in the Valley have, in aggregate, built dozens of good companies over the past decade that have enough revenue growth to feed at least some of the current investor demand.

    FORBES: Will Facebook's IPO Mark The Beginning Of The End?

  • Michael Boyd, president of Colorado aviation consulting firm Boyd International Group, is critical of the recommendation, saying the country could handle the current flight demand -- and cut delays -- by improving its air traffic control system.

    CNN: Study: Flight delays to get worse as economy improves

  • "We continue to believe that investor anxiety on Monsanto is misplaced as the company is not a cyclical stock but a technology growth machine that should keep rolling in 2009 and beyond, fueled by strong current product demand as well as an unrivaled pipeline, " said Robert Koort, an analyst at Goldman Sachs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As with many tech firms, the key concern is that the current rebound in demand could prove temporary.

    FORBES: Buying Tech: Micron Technology

  • Natural-gas reserves will hold out for 60 years at current levels of demand.

    ECONOMIST: Business this week

  • For several years now, the supply of senior living facilities has grown to keep up with current and expected demand.

    FORBES: Ventas Looks Stretched By Economic Valuation

  • The President also signed an Executive Order today that will help the federal government better meet the current and future demand for mental health and substance abuse treatment services for our troops and veterans, as well as their families.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Even though Toyota is officially still committed to support its manufacturing base in Japan, it hopes to ride out the current slump in demand and adverse foreign exchange movement through cost-cutting, hyper-efficiency and collaboration on new technology with parts suppliers.

    FORBES: Toyota Burned By Land Of The Rising Yen

  • Even if you hold everything fixed, there will be workers elsewhere in the world who at given the current supply and demand for labor in the U.S., and the resulting market wages, will find it optimal to move here and be hired.

    FORBES: Is Education A Substitute For Immigration?

  • There currently appears to be sufficient supply of non-Iranian oil to permit foreign countries to significantly reduce their import of Iranian oil, taking into account current estimates of demand, increased production by countries other than Iran, inventories of crude oil and petroleum products, and available strategic petroleum reserves.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Multifamily construction is running at about 200, 000 apartment completions per year, and cannot possibly meet this shift in demand at current prices.

    FORBES: Are We Building An Apartment Bubble?

  • The report showed strengthening activities for construction and service sector, a good combination to aid domestic demand and current Chinese growth momentum.

    FORBES: EUR Crapshoot Opens Up Holes

  • Most Americans say they want a cut in the rate of immigration, but current labour-market demand makes this hard to insist on.

    ECONOMIST: Immigration

  • On original content, they like to do prior season on all the big shows. (This does not quite answer the question.) He says they do better on catalog than anyone else, which generates demand for current season.

    FORBES: D9: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Live!

  • Although the current outlook for military demand is clouded, a few things are clear about how Raytheon will operate as long as Swanson is in charge (and after if he picks a successor in his own mold).

    FORBES: Enigmatic Raytheon Thrives As Defense Rivals Falter

  • Turkish officials object to the exceptional conditions placed in advance on the terms of their eventual membership - including the demand by current EU states to be allowed to place permanent restrictions on the movement of Turks to work elsewhere in Europe.

    BBC: Turkey's EU bid runs into trouble

  • Mr Penney sees a softening in demand from the current boom's nouveaux riches, whose high-tech wealth is waning.

    ECONOMIST: Property markets: High rise, with a hint of vertigo | The

  • The plant's output by itself would satisfy nearly one-half of current U.S. demand.

    FORBES: Energy & Genius

  • Warner Griswald, an analyst at Greenstreet Advisors, says both of these sectors face strong demand in the current economy.

    FORBES: Diversify With Real Estate Stocks

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