• The Act demands that organisations it dubs Communication Service Providers (CSP) - broadly anyone that helps people keep in touch via the web, fax machine or phone - install technology that can automatically monitor what many of their customers are doing.

    BBC: Switch on for state snooping

  • "The saltwater going out of the greenhouses will go to the CSP to cool it -- which makes it more efficient -- and then it will go to the evaporator 'hedges' which create good growing conditions for crops outside and revegetate areas of desert, " he said.

    CNN: Project to turn desert green trials in Qatar

  • In turn, this work has led CSP to investigate the narco-terrorism connection between Middle East arms dealers, Hezbollah, and Central American drug traffickers such as Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia ("FARC").


  • She has testified in Congress and submitted CSP's statement regarding US-Colombian relations to the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Implications of Cuba's leadership change

  • The upcoming vote pits the newly reconstituted board and turnaround management team at Tessera, a technology development and licensing firm that invented chip-scale packaging (CSP) technology for improved semiconductor performance in the 1990s and is now blazing a trail in advanced semiconductor interconnect technology, against a board takeover attempt by the activist hedge fund Starboard Value LP.

    FORBES: Don't Turn My Company Into A Patent Troll!

  • Utility-scale concentrating solar power (CSP) systems that produce electricity using lenses or mirrors to focus radiation on thermal collectors or photovoltaic cells draw criticism from environmental groups for taking up too much desert land, thus displacing certain animal and reptile species.

    FORBES: Renewable Energy Delusions: Getting A Real Grip On Alternatives

  • In the near-term, the city also envisions extending its new CSP system to support advanced reporting from mobile devices.

    FORBES: Not Your Father's Government

  • The good news is that the Communist Chinese threat is being subjected to intense, if less publicized, scrutiny by another congressionally mandated, bipartisan panel: the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, ably chaired by CSP Distinguished Fellow, Roger Robinson.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The threat we're ignoring now

  • Particularly noteworthy is the dubious distinction earned by Rep. John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, the only member of Congress -- from either the House or the Senate -- to have received three consecutive scores of zero on each of the CSP National Security Scorecard published to date.


  • Menges, the co-founder of the Menges Hemispheric Security Project, is in charge of the weekly edition of CSP's Americas Report.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Implications of Cuba's leadership change

  • "The so-called Middle East 'peace process, ' which began with secret Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in Oslo, has materially contributed to the present, catastrophic situation, " the CSP argues on its website.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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