• The underlying steel structure plays off the tinted glass, counterbalancing the building's mass with layers of reflected light.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • Partly counterbalancing that effect was the relatively small number of teams and players back then (16 teams then versus 30 today), making for a less diluted product among those that did play.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Therefore, in the name of regional peace in Latin America and geo-political security, it is crucial that the United States government as well as other governments in the Western Hemisphere help those who can be effective in counterbalancing these developments.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Supporting the forces of democracy

  • The OECD argues that the cost of new border restrictions could increase the cost of foreign trade by around 1% to 3%, and could lead to a reduction in trade flows by several times as much - by between 3% and 9% - more than counterbalancing the savings made by tariff cuts in the last round of trade talks.

    BBC: Terrorism 'slows globalisation'

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