• Respondents thought the causes included corporate culture driven by compensation and bonuses (23%), corporate corruption (25%) and conflicts of interest (11%).

    FORBES: New Study: Trust in Both Business and Corporate Leaders Plummets

  • James Morris praised the film, which tells of corporate corruption in Kenya, as important for highlighting some of the difficulties faced in Africa.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Weisz Oscar 'is good for Africa'

  • Any number of campus leftists have accused him of inventing the whole drama in order to distract attention from corporate corruption and economic malaise.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • It dwells on the familiar problem of the corporate corruption of politics and regulatory agencies that weakens public oversight of privately owned firms charged with delivering public goods.

    ECONOMIST: Face value

  • "This is almost a culture of corporate corruption, " he said.

    CNN: Enron's ex-CEO will not testify Monday

  • Martin Yokosawa, portfolio manager at the Oberweis Report, believes that investing in small cap stocks is a good way to reduce the risk of investment losses due to corporate corruption.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • These criticisms are likely to have special punch this summer when at least four major corporate corruption trials, including one concerning Enron, will likely put the issue on the front burner.

    CNN: Nader on the radar

  • Bush will make the case that efforts to expose and prosecute corporate corruption are critical to restoring confidence and, as part of that focus, will propose new criminal penalties including possible jail time for CEOs convicted of deliberately making misleading financial statements.

    CNN: Bush to propose jail time for corporate misconduct

  • Bush said Democrats were recycling the allegation as part of "old time politics" in an effort to make political gain of the growing debate over corporate corruption and what the federal government should do in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom accounting scandals.

    CNN: Bush to propose jail time for corporate misconduct

  • Clark said the school is the primary vehicle for teaching proper human rights to police in South America, and likened closing the school to proposing to close the Harvard Business School, which he said has turned out several people now under fire for corporate corruption.

    CNN: McGovern endorses Clark

  • Poor corporate governance leads to corruption.

    FORBES: Why Corporate Governance is So Important to China

  • That aligns with a value shift that kicked in largely after 2008, when political corruption and corporate excess had reached a zenith, it became clearer that some financial and career goals would be less attainable, and people and companies alike reevaluated what they believe in and stand for.

    FORBES: Forget Supermoms--It's All About The Smart Moms: Survey

  • That and corporate governance -- or corruption in governance are at the top of my list today.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Many countries suffer from political turmoil, poor corporate-governance standards and corruption.

    WSJ: Upside: How to Play Investing's Wild Frontier

  • He also advised U.S. companies doing business abroad in Latin America and Europe on corporate compliance, anti-corruption, and the risks associated with foreign investment and multinational business transactions.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • She has investigated the collapse of Enron, WorldCom and numerous other corporate scams and has reported on corruption from the point of view of the investor.

    CNN: Money Summit: Meet the panelists

  • Similarly, Rupert Murdoch appears here as a diabolical figure, whose very corporate ethos created a deep culture of corruption, and inextricably led to the criminal actions of some members of the company.

    FORBES: Can, and Should, NewsCorp Actually Be Tried Like the Mafia?

  • Independent of your potential contract, does the consultant have its own corporate code of conduct to address anti-corruption?

    FORBES: Protecting Your Corporation Against FCPA Liability in Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Noa was appointed chief compliance officer of Siemens on January 1, after allegations of bribery and corruption became a full-on corporate scandal in 2006.

    FORBES: Siemens Anti-Corruption Chief Canned

  • International companies in all business spheres are scored by TI from 0-10 based on their disclosure of information important for investors and the general public, where they pay their taxes, their corporate structures and what they are doing to prevent corruption.

    FORBES: Is Russia's Gazprom Gouging Europe?

  • But Mr Medvedev is unlikely to stop the hostage-taking, corporate raids by state agencies, rent-seeking and corruption that have become part of a system.

    ECONOMIST: Russian modernisation

  • Anonymous typically goes after big governments they accuse of corruption (think Tunisia, Egypt) and corporate players like MasterCard or eBay-owned PayPal.

    FORBES: Connect

  • In China, there is official awareness of corruption and accounting tricks, which they use to their corporate advantage.

    FORBES: Russia Plagued by Corruption Perception

  • Top-down efforts to control official corruption have yet to prove effective, raising legal and regulatory risks for portfolio and corporate investors.

    FORBES: The World's Riskiest Nations

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