• At that time, then Chief Executive Raymond Gilmartin and research chief Peter Kim both emphasized that because it took so long for Vioxx to cause an increase in risk, the study was consistent with Merck's stance that previous research hadn't shown any danger.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He added that the big drop in LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, seen in the study is consistent with previous evidence for Zetia and Vytorin, and that a wealth of clinical data going back decades links lowering LDL to preventing heart attacks, deaths and other heart problems.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Certainly the study reported is consistent with what is known about the difficulties people with autism spectrum disorders face in processing information.

    BBC: Differences found in autistic brains

  • Consistent with earlier research, the study finds that foreclosures piled up in California cities with heavy concentrations of African-Americans and Latinos.

    FORBES: Slow Growth In Cities May Have Minimized Foreclosures

  • Armitage said that the trial results are unlikely to be due to the side effects of laropriprant, since the main finding of a lack of benefit is consistent with the AIM-HIGH study and many of the side effects are known to be associated with the use of niacin.

    FORBES: HPS2-THRIVE: A 'Disappointing But Clear' Result

  • However, the results of the study reinforce the concept that any consistent physical activity can produce long term benefits.

    FORBES: Brisk Walking or Running: Both Reduce Risk for Heart Disease

  • As the authors of the study point out, this is consistent with the growing literature from Heckman and others showing that non-cognitive skills affect outcomes.

    FORBES: School Choice in the Long Run

  • Nancy Rabalais, executive director of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and an expert on dead zones who didn't participate in the study, said its findings are consistent with climate change scenarios she projects for the upper Mississippi River basin, where flooding caused high algae concentrations two years ago.

    NPR: Report Predicts Ever-Bigger Lake Erie Algae Blooms

  • He notes that with the exception of one small study published two weeks ago, the evidence is consistent that Cypher is better at preventing arteries from reclogging.

    FORBES: Studies Give Edge To J&J Stent

  • Dr Fraser and the other specialists called for a standardised guidance system on assessing high risk medical devices, the introduction of rules for newer devices such as electronic medical records that are not currently scrutinised, more consistent advice on clinical testing and more information on standards and study results.

    FORBES: The Yin And Yang Of Medical Device Regulation

  • The South African findings are broadly consistent with recent results from another investigation called the New Zealand Air Travellers Thrombosis Study.

    ECONOMIST: Deep-vein thrombosis: Causing trouble | The

  • These findings confirm a 2010 study by Douglas Schoen for IWV of Independent voters nationally which showed a consistent relationship between those who correctly answered basic economic questions and support for limited government and free markets.

    FORBES: Demography Isn't Destiny When Voters Are Economically Informed

  • The study points to a need to make sure that programs in place for military families are consistent with the needs of the children, she said.

    CNN: Study: Military teens have more stress

  • The new study, published online Monday by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, is consistent with other findings of the protective benefit of the Mediterranean diet.

    WSJ: Study Finds More Benefits From the Mediterranean Diet

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