• It took until 2010 for the Tea Party to gain sufficient momentum in the United States to breakthrough into the public consciousness and until 2011 for the Occupy movement to enter the public stage.

    FORBES: Private Equity, Hedge Funds Must be Understood to be Regulated Effectively

  • The fundamental reasoning for the move up or down becomes a part of the overall consciousness of the investment community at the point where the potential for profit is minimal.

    FORBES: Look Out Bears, The Bulls Will Rule September

  • The guidelines say the definition of death should be regarded as the irreversible loss of the capacity for consciousness, combined with irreversible loss of the capacity to breathe.

    BBC: Doctors get death diagnosis tips

  • "B-movies tap into the public consciousness and provide rich fodder for better understanding the times, " said library director Linda Mehr.

    BBC: Oscar academy given movie posters

  • Similarly, the University of California and the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies are soon expecting to show the benefits that shamatha meditation, a Buddhist practice, might have on people who are participating in three-month long meditation retreats at the Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Three-dimensional printing has entered the public consciousness enough for Congress to be considering legislation banning people from making guns using the technology.

    CNN: Obama's speech highlights rise of 3-D printing

  • Catchphrase, the ITV game show that ran for 16 years from 1986 to 2002, was innovative in its use of computer graphics to represent maxims and sayings, but it probably sticks in the public consciousness as much for Roy Walker's handling of some of the inept efforts at answers.

    BBC: What makes a good daytime game show?

  • For all the consciousness-raising of the past few days, there still seems to be a large gap between what economists and markets say is needed - and politicians are able to provide.

    BBC: The global economy and the Hollow Men

  • One model which materialists use for their reductive view of consciousness is from physics: for instance, in the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics, the temperature of a gas is explained in terms of the mean kinetic energy of its constituent molecules.

    ECONOMIST: Philosophy of consciousness

  • She was a drill sergeant, ordering me or Danielle to dart into the ICU every twenty minutes to check Harriette for signs of consciousness a stirring, the flutter of an eyelid.

    NPR: 'Pretty' Chronicles Drastic Steps to Prevent Cancer

  • The media and the country hardly noticed the tour, so Nelson pondered for some time on how to raise consciousness about the problem.


  • The good news for Mr Brown is that, although the English consciousness has been poked into life by devolution and immigration, finding an answer is not all that urgent.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • The need for embedding this Hayekian understanding of markets in the public consciousness cannot be overstated.

    FORBES: The Fable Of Market Meritocracy

  • As Hollywood's obsession with the opening weekend filters into the general consciousness, cinema-goers may be rushing to the big screen for fear of missing the new release altogether.

    ECONOMIST: Cinema

  • Those are not the family values they have beaten into the nation's consciousness for nearly 30 years.

    CNN: Commentary: Will evangelicals choose Giuliani over faith?

  • Paula Broadwell was embedded in the nation's consciousness for weeks after her affair with David Petraeus prompted his resignation as CIA director.

    CNN: Hijacking the media -- Trump shows how easy it is

  • He was also interviewed by CNN's Larry King about the subject, and runs a nonprofit called The Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness.

    CNN: Girl accuses father of 'waterboarding'

  • Grotesque therapeutic programs "encounter groups, " the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, primal-scream therapy also found their day, in the name of bringing "the hidden" to consciousness for treatment.

    WSJ: DSM-5: A Manual Run Amok

  • As a writer, I know I do some of my best work while procrastinating, and my most interesting thoughts often come to me after letting something simmer at the back of my consciousness for a while.

    FORBES: How Inbox Zero Became Inbox 50: The Evolution of a Resolution

  • And Endless Forms at the Fitzwilliam Museum, in Cambridge, considers how Darwin's ideas penetrated the consciousness of the great artists of the era, inspiring visual representations of the struggle for existence, of natural attraction and sexual selection, and the origin and descent of man.

    BBC: Friday 11 September: Darwin special

  • Blogging, as it's often called, has become, in the last year, a trendy Web toy for the stream-of-consciousness set.

    FORBES: Google Goes Blog-Crazy

  • The consciousness usually has to rise well ahead of the results--see China today, for example.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • Sigh No More is the rare kind of album most labels would love to release: A full-length that slowly rises up the charts, sticking to the Billboard 200 and the public consciousness like glue, usually for months and months.

    FORBES: How Mumford & Sons Landed On The Top Of The Pop Charts

  • More profoundly, they fear that the fence, by its massive presence and permanence, will inexorably dig itself into the national consciousness as the new-old border between Israel and Palestine the border that they have laboured for decades to erase from the public mind.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

  • Among the settlers and their political hinterland, the fear is that the fence, by its massive presence and permanence, will dig itself into the national consciousness as the new-old border between Israel and Palestine the border that they have laboured for decades to erase from the public mind.

    ECONOMIST: Peace postponed again | The

  • The youngster was eventually stretchered off by the attending medical staff at the Stade Aime Giral, but regained consciousness in the dressing room and was taken to hospital for tests.

    BBC: Perpignan 23-19 Dragons

  • Thank you so much for your music and for the way that you've raised our consciousness and keep raising it.

    NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

  • The impact of escalating healthcare costs combined with mediocre value created for each dollar spent has finally entered the national consciousness.

    FORBES: Healthcare Reform: Rhetoric vs. Reality

  • Ms. BUTLER: For years there's been a black consciousness movement since the 1970s working to help people appreciate the richness and, you know, stop denigrating their own culture.

    NPR: Afro-Brazilian, African-American Ties

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