• From the outset of this trial, the prosecutors are trying to show that Mr Bemba's "command responsibility" was paramount and that he used rape as a weapon of war.

    BBC: Defiant Jean-Pierre Bemba gets his day in court

  • Under the legal doctrine of command responsibility, commanders may be held criminally responsible for war crimes committed by personnel within their unit if directed by a commander, or if a commander knew that war crimes were occurring and failed to prevent them or investigate and hold accountable those perpetrating the offenses.

    FORBES: More on Preventing Harm to Civilians

  • How high up the chain of command does responsibility for this gun walking fiasco and cover-up reach?

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • John Foss, commanding general, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (who had responsibility for U.S. forces in the Sinai).

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | What hazards along the road to Damascus? Mission impossible

  • Command: Harrell is commander-in-chief of Special Operations Command Central, which is responsible for planning special operations throughout U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility.

    CNN: Specials

  • In furtherance of U.S. efforts against members of al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, and associated forces, the United States continues to work with partners around the globe, with a particular focus on the U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Mr Museveni has appointed a son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, to command an army unit with specific responsibility for guarding the oil wells.

    ECONOMIST: Hope and peril for the Great Lakes

  • "In their estimation, they believe that if you don't assume command you don't have responsibility there for what goes on, " he said.


  • So what I think is needed in the short term, very much so and almost desperately, is first the ability of the government and responsibility of the government to command and receive on a continuing basis significant market data about all sorts of products and services whether they are regulated or not.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Briefing Book

  • The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, which has responsibility for U.S. homeland defense, is watching the region via satellite and the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain, Navy destroyers armed with sophisticated missile defense systems, have been positioned to best be able to detect and track a missile launch.

    NPR: A Look At The North Korea Crisis

  • Cadets, this is the day you finally become officers in the finest Air Force in the world. (Applause.) Like generations before you, you'll be charged with the responsibility of leading those under your command.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony | The White House

  • However the areas in which that managerial responsibility is exercised are different from command-and-control hierarchical bureaucracy: dynamic linking is used to create the space where the full talents and ingenuity of the employees can be unleashed.

    FORBES: Is "Outside-In" Innovation Possible Without Confident "Top-Down" Leadership?

  • In these stories told by third parties, one glimpses an extraordinarily honorable and caring Mitt Romney, a man who takes charge and takes responsibility, a man who takes command and knows how to accomplish by delegating but who also takes pleasure in rolling up his sleeves and doing himself what needs to get done.

    FORBES: The Mitt Romney You Don't Know (Yet)

  • When this operation started, we were controlling all skimming and in-situ burning operations out of the Incident Command Post in Houma, Louisiana, which has responsibility for the area where the well is at.

    WHITEHOUSE: Daily Press Briefing

  • Perhaps because he would rather be out on the water than in a superfluous meeting, he has delegated more responsibility, and established clearer chains of command throughout Serono than did his father, who took a more paternalistic approach.

    ECONOMIST: Smooth sailing, so far

  • Today, General Lloyd Austin became the first African-American to lead the U.S. Central Command, which has a wide-ranging area of responsibility for 20 countries in the Middle East and southwest Asia.

    WHITEHOUSE: Lloyd Austin to Lead U.S. Central Command

  • The Met's Counter Terrorism Command, SO15, based at New Scotland Yard, has responsibility for protecting London and the UK from terrorism.

    BBC: Met Police counter-terrorism role should end, MPs say

  • But come Monday, fathers are expected to regress back into their lives of responsibility and lower place on the family chain of command.

    FORBES: Millennial Dads: Why Must We Make Sacrifices For Our Kids?

  • We already said that we will then transition to a NATO command and that our partners would take on a lot of the responsibility for the no-fly zone and striking targets on the ground.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

  • One of the distinguished retired military officers who co-authored the Center study was General John Foss (USA, Ret.), who served as Commanding General, Training and Doctrine Command (1989-1991) and former Commanding Officer of the 82nd Airborne Division with responsibility for deploying U.S. forces to the Multilateral Force and Observers mission (MFO) in the Sinai Desert.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion

  • There are still plenty of human beings in the operational loop it takes a team of about 180 to run and service a Predator and it is clear that the responsibility for the decision to fire a missile rests as much with the pilot in a distant command centre as with a pilot in any cockpit.

    ECONOMIST: The ethics of warfare

  • The Bush Administration has created the Department of Homeland Security, while the Defense Department has organized a new Northern Command in which for the first time a combatant commander has the entire continental United States within his area of responsibility.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations

  • The immediate responsibility for administering post-war Iraq will fall upon the Commander of the U.S. Central Command, as the commander of the U.S. and coalition forces in the field.


  • Worse yet, the Administration is inviting further cuts at the hands of congressional critics by devolving responsibility for overseeing this program from the Secretary of Defense to a lieutenant two rungs down the chain of command, Undersecretary of Defense John Deutch.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Going, Going, Gone: Clinton/Aspin Condemn Nation To Permanent Vulnerability To Missile Strikes

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