• Losing governors means parties lose coat-tail effects and the opportunity to exploit state resources for congressional campaigns, which in turn makes it harder to gain financing and airtime.

    ECONOMIST: Mexican politics: Left in the lurch | The

  • No chief executive would unveil a new corporate strategy wearing a broad-collared tail coat, skin-hugging trousers that left little to the imagination and billowing muslin stock in the gap that a tie would later fill.

    ECONOMIST: Men's clothing

  • What judges examine in a Labrador are its head ("clean-cut" with "broad back skull"), coat (black, yellow or chocolate) and tail (like an otter's).

    WSJ: Everybody Loves Labradors, So Why Are They Underdogs?

  • Lemme tick off a bunch of breed points for poodles: Tail set, topline, feet, condition of coat, soundness moving up, down and around the ring, placement of ear leathers, under jaw, color of eyes (dark and almond-shaped), layback of shoulder, expression and temperament.

    FORBES: Dogs And Stocks: The Unpredictable Westminster Show

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