• The global decrease of coastal marine resources and decline in marine biodiversity will impact countries dependent on coastal fishing, fish-processing industries and tourism causing economic hardship as well as destabilising food security for the 1 billion people who depend on fisheries for most of their protein diet.


  • MarCuba 2012 brought together scientists, decision makers, specialists and stakeholders involved in marine sciences, observation systems, coastal and marine services and technologies, economy and education from 25 countries.


  • It will also recommend a framework for improved stewardship, implementation options, and effective coastal and marine spatial planning.

    WHITEHOUSE: Council on Environmental Quality Blog

  • Coastal and marine management by indigenous communities and artisanal fisherfolk will be central to the success of the CBD.


  • We are also on track to implement comprehensive, integrated coastal and marine spatial planning and management in the United States.

    WHITEHOUSE: Deputies Building on Great Momentum for Our Oceans

  • Dr Jonathan Benjamin, of WA Coastal and Marine and the University of Edinburgh, said Scotland was a maritime nation with a rich seafaring history.

    BBC: Sutherland shipwreck intrigues archaeologists

  • They are areas set up to serve as places to test different approaches to integrated management of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine resources and biodiversity.

    BBC: Galloway and South Ayrshire biosphere celebrated

  • Parties must work harder to reverse policies and practices that harm indigenous peoples and local communities in Protected Areas, especially in coastal and marine areas.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Ecosystem services provided by coastal and marine habitats are of crucial importance for food security and poverty eradication, as well as many of the sectors currently driving the economies of coastal nations.


  • Several projects it is currently involved in are based on protecting coastal and marine environments and ecosystems, including the EU Valmer Project and the Marine Conservation Zones that it has established within its borders.

    UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - North Devon Biosphere recognised for having UK��s Best Beach at Skyscanner Awards

  • Biosphere Reserves are areas designated under UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme to serve as places to test different approaches to integrated management of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine resources and biodiversity.


  • The Final Recommendations prioritize actions for the NOC to pursue, and call for a flexible framework for coastal and marine spatial planning to address conservation, economic activity, user conflict, and sustainable use of the ocean, our coasts and the Great Lakes.

    WHITEHOUSE: Final Recommendations of the Ocean Policy Task Force Announced | The White House

  • Last week, the National Ocean Council brought together more than 500 Federal, state, tribal, and local government representatives, indigenous community leaders, and other stakeholders and members of the public from across the country for a National Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) Workshop in Washington, DC.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • This paper develops a methodology for coastal development setbacks, which was first developed for the island of Anguilla in 1996 as part of a study sponsored by the British Development Division in the Caribbean on the Impact of Hurricane Luis on the Coastal and Marine Resources of Anguilla.

    UNESCO: Introduction

  • The White House's "America's Gulf Coast: A Plan for Long-Term Recovery in the Aftermath of the BP Oil Spill, " assembled by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, lays out a vision for community recovery, improving public health, coastal restoration and marine resiliency that can begin to restore the Gulf.

    CNN: Gulf reopen for drilling as region suffers

  • In support of environmental cooperation on natural reserves and ecotourism, they noted the recently signed Agreement twinning the protected Marine Coastal Area Francisco Coloane in Chile and the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in Alaska, with the purpose of intensifying the collaboration and mutual support for their protection and conservation.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the United States and Latin America

  • And, finally, the Liberal Democrat Lord Greaves raises the issue of coastal access in England - a subject he pursued in the last Parliament, during the passage of the Marine and Coastal Access Act.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • Emily Pidgeon, CI, explained the importance of marine and coastal ecosystems as both sinks and sources of carbon.


  • Lulworth Estate, which owns Durdle Door, claims the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 prevents it from carrying out the work.

    BBC: Durdle Door

  • The proposals stem from the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

    BBC: Cash shortage stretches to sea bed

  • Ocean monitoring improves the management of marine and coastal ecosystems and resources, and protects life and property on coasts and at sea.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • Biodiversity from terrestrial, marine, coastal, and inland water ecosystems provides the basis for ecosystems and the services they provide that underpin human well-being.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Oil spills from container ships or offshore platforms are a frequent hazard to marine and coastal ecosystems and an expensive one to clean up.

    CNN: Cleaning up oil spills with magnets and nanotechnology

  • Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), was invited to speak on Environmental aspects and governance of marine and coastal areas.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • It has diverse ecosystems with many marine and coastal species of seagrass, coral reefs, fish used both for consumption and for sale, sea birds, turtles, cetaceans, and mangroves.


  • The cost to countries of nutrient over-enrichment from the degradation of their marine and coastal natural resource base, and the services and livelihoods it provides, will increase without improved policy responses.

    UNESCO: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

  • They have vast arable land for agriculture, large rainforests that play a crucial role in combating global warming, great biodiversity, abundant renewable energy resources, enormous reserves of fresh water and precious marine and coastal resources.

    FORBES: Wolfensohn, UN Warn Millennium Goals Won't Be Met Without LDCs

  • The overall effect is to undermine the resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems, affecting in turn their ability to support coastal livelihoods such as fishing and tourism and their potential role in climate change adaptation and mitigation.


  • With world-class diving, a fantastic roll call of birds and a couple of marine national parks ( Mnazi Bay-Ruvula Estuary Marine Park and Mafia Island Marine Park), coastal Tanzania is no slouch in the wildlife department.

    BBC: Tanzania��s overlooked coastline

  • This Ocean forecasting system could generate crucial forecast information, such as ocean circulation, sea surface temperature, wave height, to serve the needs of a variety of human activities related to marine hazards mitigation, oil and gas exploration, fisheries, navigation, marine parks management and coastal recreational activities.

    UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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