• But only a couple of decades ago, Hekmatyar was the largest recipient of CIA-supplied arms and money channeled through Pakistan's intelligence services.

    NPR: For Afghan Fighter the War Continues as Loyalties Shift

  • The CIA-prepared memo, provided to CNN by Republican sources, lists 40 briefings for members of Congress from September 2002 to March 2009.

    CNN: CIA says Pelosi knew about waterboarding; she says no

  • Augusto Pinochet, nor the CIA-supported coup in 1973 which killed the leftist President Salvador Allende and brought Pinochet's 17 years of oppressive rule.

    CNN: Clinton Hails Democracy, Free Trade

  • They also declared that they wanted to send a CIA-led team of international intelligence experts to help with the reform of Palestinian security bodies.

    BBC: US isolated at Mid-East talks

  • The firm was founded in 2006 by Stewart Alsop, an early investor in TiVo and Netcentives, and Gilman Louie, who previously ran a CIA-affiliated venture fund.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Joseph Romano was one of 23 Americans tried and sentenced by Italian courts for kidnap over the CIA-led operation to abduct a cleric known as Abu Omar.

    BBC: Italy Abu Omar rendition: Col Romano pardoned in CIA case

  • The CIA-led Iraq Survey Group has determined that Baghdad gave up its weapons programs in the 1990s, though some weapons-related research was concealed from U.N. weapons inspectors.

    CNN: Powell:?Troops could begin leaving?Iraq this year

  • At a stroke, the Saudis - and the CIA - lost the chance to interrogate the man believed to be the mastermind behind one of al-Qaeda's websites.

    BBC: Is US winning its war on terror?

  • The shift to a CIA-lead in Iraq has been gradual, in part because some in the military were reluctant to halt the work, according to current and former officials.

    WSJ: CIA Ramps Up Role in Iraq

  • Born in Huehuetenango in 1926, Efrain Rios Montt joined the army and was a young officer when President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was deposed in a CIA-backed military coup in 1954.

    BBC: Profile: Guatemala's Efrain Rios Montt

  • Asked about the failure to find WMD, Mr Blair told American television that he would wait until the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group, searching for such weapons, had concluded its hunt.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Blair 'misjudged' Iraq violence

  • To be sure, there are those within the U.S. government - notably, in the Department of State and CIA - who have profound policy disagreements with key Defense Department decision-makers.


  • Given the history of American-Iranian relations, (which include a CIA-sponsored coup in 1953), it would not be productive to be seen to be meddling in an Iranian election, he said.

    ECONOMIST: Obama, Iran and North Korea: Meeting thuggery with coolness | The

  • Mr Wilson said that during his CIA-sponsored trip last year to Niger the suspected source of the uranium he found that there was little chance that Niger had had such dealings with Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: Who's hiding what? | The

  • There is one case that I was able to find, in which a gentleman who was suing -Jeffrey Sterling was suing the CIA - saying that he was the victim of employment discrimination.

    NPR: Invoking the State Secrets Privilege

  • At a march on April 16th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the rout of the CIA-backed invasion at the Bay of Pigs, several people reported being ordered by their bosses to attend.

    ECONOMIST: Cuba's communist congress

  • They want an end to the use of so-called "extraordinary rendition" -- the soft name for what has, in effect, been kidnapping and torture by the CIA -- that has besmirched the name of democracy.

    CNN: Analysis: Europe wants to love Obama

  • Like Park, most were untrained civilians whipped into fighting shape by U.S. officers with the United Nations forces and the newly formed CIA - which saw the intelligence potential of guerrilla units of communist-hating Northerners.


  • That helps to explain the pushback from the State Department, which was publicly taking the heat -- and didn't want the CIA-driven talking points to add to the idea that they had failed to protect their own.

    CNN: Did political spin hide the truth of Benghazi?

  • The point of departure for such an inquiry should be representations made by the Department of Defense, and by Mr. Halperin himself, to the effect that the nominee crossed paths with the CIA-turncoat on only one occasion.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Yet as the Christmas Day attempt illustrates, and as we were reminded this week by the sacrifices of more brave Americans in Afghanistan-including those seven dedicated men and women of the CIA-the hard work of protecting our nation is never done.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: The Fight Against Al Qaeda

  • If Attorney General Eric Holder is so unwise as to bring any charges against a CIA officer for the rough interrogation of an al Qaeda detainee during the Bush administration, the president will likely find himself deluged with damaging CIA-authored leaks.

    WSJ: Reuel Marc Gerecht: The Meaning of al Qaeda's Double Agent

  • Opinions in America's intelligence community are divided, but a recent CIA-sponsored national intelligence assessment again predicted (over State Department dissent, it was said) that before 2015, Iran, along with North Korea and possibly Iraq, could have missiles capable of hitting the United States.

    ECONOMIST: Great Satan v axis of evil | The

  • Are you withholding judgment on whether you should have known sooner that there was a potential -- that there was an investigation into whether your CIA Director -- potentially there was a national security breach with your CIA Director -- do you believe you should have known sooner?

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference

  • Tenet has largely been the invisible man during his tenure at the CIA -- overshadowed by his vainglorious former boss, Director John Deutch, and made largely irrelevant by the responsibility Deutch reposed in his controversial and autocratic Executive Director, Nora Slatkin, to perform virtually all day-to-day management functions.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The System Worked On Lake; Will It On Tenet?

  • While the Pentagon has backed Mr Chalabi, and air-lifted him into southern Iraq, both the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have severe doubts about the exile (who left Iraq in 1958 at the age of 13), even though he helped lead an aborted CIA-sponsored plot to overthrow Saddam in the mid-1990s.

    ECONOMIST: Who will run the new Iraq? | The

  • And on the merits, John Brennan is a uniquely and highly qualified nominee to be the next Director of the CIA. And we urge the committee to vote, and we urge the Senate to confirm him as quickly as possible so that he can get about the business of running the CIA -- again, a job to which he is uniquely suited.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Based on actual events that occurred in 1979 in Tehran, the movie brilliantly blends a gripping espionage thriller with humor that comes from the Hollywood shenanigans that Affleck (playing real-life CIA agent Tony Mendez) had to go through with John Goodman (playing real-life Hollywood effects guru and CIA make-up man John Chambers) and Oscar-nominated Alan Arkin (playing movie producer Lester Siegel).

    FORBES: Why Ben Affleck's Argo Should Win The Best Picture Oscar

  • To do the sleuth work for the various lawsuits, Koch has assigned private investigators (who he described as ex-CIA and ex-FBI agents) tasks ranging from tracking down printers of counterfeit wine labels, to carbon-dating bottles and listening in on a phone call with Greenberg.

    FORBES: In Billionaire's Legal Crusade Against Counterfeit Wine, Money Is The Least Of It

  • Who knows, given their appalling predilections, it may also be the favorite of President Obama's newest nominees, Defense Secretary-designate Chuck Hagel and CIA Director-designate John Brennan.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad

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