• Enbrel is now in tests for two dozen other diseases, from chronic heart failure to psoriasis to Alzheimer's and even some cancers.

    FORBES: Chemical Chameleon

  • The most promising frontier for Enbrel is in treating chronic heart failure.

    FORBES: Chemical Chameleon

  • "Once you are in your 70s, 80s or 90s, or if you have chronic disease like heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic lung and kidney disease, a larger body size gives you longevity, " he said.

    CNN: Thin is in, but fat might be better

  • Making devices for such chronic conditions as heart failure and Parkinson's disease, Medtronic has an obvious interest in finding better ways of managing long-term disease, and making money in the process.

    ECONOMIST: Devices and desires

  • Cachexia is best known as a disease of cancer patients, but it is seen in patients with chronic infection, AIDS, heart failure, rheumatoid diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    CNN: Is the inability of cancer patients to eat a concern?

  • Tiny implantable sensors are making their way to market, all with the potential to transform the treatment of chronic diseases such as heart failure, diabetes and epilepsy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Tight budgets are leading more states to turn to managed care, and Amerigroup is ready with physicians, nurses, nutritionists and active outreach which is especially for pregnant women and young mothers and people with chronic diseases like congestive heart failure or diabetes.

    FORBES: In Managed Care, Data Plus Integration Plus Rules Equals Information

  • They are frail, often suffer from multiple chronic diseases (such as heart failure, dementia, or diabetes), and are impoverished.

    FORBES: Medicaid, The Frail Elderly, And Federal Budget Cuts

  • Hendricks had severe congestive heart failure, chronic asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism, gout, and a history of smoking and alcohol abuse.

    NEWYORKER: The Hot Spotters

  • Hospital workers also had rates of emergency department utilization and hospital admission for a number of chronic medical ailments including congestive heart failure, hypertension, depression, coronary artery disease, diabetes, asthma as well as obesity.

    FORBES: Are Hospital Employees Less Healthy than other U.S. Workers?

  • Within the Medicare program, 10 million of the current 44 million beneficiaries have five or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes or congestive heart failure, and these 10 million cost the program 68% of the budgeted dollars.

    FORBES: Leslie V. Norwalk

  • People with heart failure often have a lower quality of life than arthritis, chronic lung disease or angina sufferers.

    BBC: Killer heart disease on rise

  • Asthma, congestive heart failure, depression, coronary artery disease and diabetes--they're the five major chronic conditions that drive the vast majority of health care costs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He died of heart failure in 2010 at just 45, and when they examined his brain they found he had chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), caused by taking blows to the head.

    WSJ: Column: Boogaard a sad example for hockey goons

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