• "The key factor in its decision has been the Chinese's support of indigenous vendors such as the Chinese Academy of Science's development support of Red Flag Linux OS, " says Gartner analyst Louisa Lui.

    BBC: Linux takes on MS in China

  • Direct investment by U.S. companies in China, Chinese exports to the U.S. and Chinese purchases of U.S. Treasury securities are all well off their peak growth rates.

    WSJ: Thilo Hanemann and Dan Rosen: Chinese Investment 2.0

  • The apology, in the form of a letter written in Chinese and posted to Apple's Chinese website Monday, underscores the increasing importance of the Chinese consumer in what has become the company's second-largest market.

    WSJ: Login/Register to set your edition

  • Dyson also claims secrets were passed to Bosch's Chinese motor manufacturer and Bosch's vice president Dr Wolfgang Hirschburger was aware of the engineer's employment.

    BBC: Dyson claims rival Bosch placed mole within head office

  • People involved in the deal said it could open China's market more to Smithfield sausage, hams and other meat, instead of paving the way for broadening channels into the U.S. for the Chinese company's products.

    WSJ: Poultry-Plant Fire in China Kills More Than 100

  • People involved in the deal said it could open China's market more to Smithfield sausage, hams and other meat, instead of pave the way for broadening channels into the U.S. for the Chinese company's products.

    WSJ: Poultry-Plant Fire in China Kills More Than 100

  • Realists understand that objectives of the U.S. and Chinese governments will not always be the same, thus U.S. and Chinese policies will not always be congruous.

    FORBES: Mitt's Contrived Trade War

  • Analysts said SAFE's move likely reflected the Chinese government's concerns over the yuan's rapid appreciation in recent weeks, but noted that the currency remains one of the bright spots among emerging markets.

    WSJ: Yuan Falls as China Cools Market

  • The Chinese government's view is that what happens to Chinese citizens, even Hong Kong ones, is for it to decide.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese law

  • In a press release, This American Life said that when asked, Mike Daisey's Chinese interpreter had disputed one of the show's most dramatic moments - Mr Daisey's claim to have met underage workers employed by Foxconn, a key Apple manufacturer.

    BBC: This American Life retracts Apple Mike Daisey China show

  • The increasing numbers of wealthy Chinese, Indians and Indonesians are helping fuel the shift to low-tax Asian centers, according to the report, with Hong Kong in a strong position to benefit from the Chinese government's moves to free-up international trade in China's yuan and the growing number of Chinese millionaires looking for a safe place to invest their money.


  • The approaching Chinese New Year holiday is the biggest focus in Friday's Chinese newspapers.

    BBC: China morning round-up: Lunar New Year

  • In the run-up to the Chinese leader's visit, Trinidad and Tobago's energy minister, Kevin Ramnarine, met the Chinese ambassador, Huang Xingyuan, to discuss issues including possible partnerships in energy investments in Africa, according to a statement from Trinidad and Tobago's Energy Ministry.

    WSJ: China's Xi Comes Calling on Americas

  • Xinhua's microblog says the Chinese foreign minister's "solemn representations" to North Korea over the test yesterday were unprecedented.

    BBC: China media: Pyongyang pressure

  • What's not a slam dunk are changes in the average Chinese person's attitude.

    FORBES: China's Mental Default

  • Indonesia's ethnic Chinese have their own newspaper, and Chinese firms compete with U.S. and European companies for Indonesia's vast reserves of oil, minerals and gas.

    NPR: Neighbors Feel China's Expanding Power

  • But this week, French and Chinese destroyers staged joint manoeuvres off the Chinese coast, the Chinese navy's biggest ever with a foreign country, according to the Chinese press.

    ECONOMIST: Taiwan's elections, seen from the mainland

  • With the overheated growth of the Chinese economy, many U.S. investors, eager to cash in, have dabbled in Chinese stocks listed on U.S. exchanges.

    FORBES: Chinese Fraud Hiding in Plain Sight

  • He says that America's double taxing of exports, no taxing of imports and the Chinese government's active devaluation of their currency puts our country at a disadvantage.

    FORBES: Republican - Congressman, California, 52nd district

  • But that may reflect the Chinese regulator's decision to tighten up on triangular trade transactions, in which Chinese importers paid yuan to an intermediary, who then paid the foreign supplier in dollars.

    ECONOMIST: The yuan is flowing beyond China��s borders��and back again

  • Yet while the question of returning the Dunhuang treasures has arisen several times - the Chinese Worker's Daily carried a campaign for their return several years ago - Chinese authorities have never formally brought up the issue of the Dunhuang treasures.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | The original Chinese takeaway

  • A. Historically, Chinese companies that conduct business in the U.S. have drafted contracts in Chinese, since many U.S. companies are willing to do so.

    FORBES: Seven Dos And Don'ts For Chinese Investors In The U.S.

  • Xie Feng of the Chinese Embassy cast Monday's development as part of an era of increased U.S.-Chinese cooperation.

    CNN: Ancient bones seized, returned to China

  • It's not only Chinese companies - it's a global issue.

    BBC: Huawei - leaked report shows no evidence of spying

  • Take, for example, Mr. Lake's contention, in response to repeated questioning about his knowledge of the Chinese government's efforts to penetrate and influence U.S. elections, that he was out of the loop.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hearing takes a toll on Lake nomination

  • In addition to U.S. imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on Chinese-made solar panels and wind towers, the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States recommended that President Obama block a Chinese purchase of a U.S. wind farm in Oregon, which he did, reaffirming his view of China as an economic rival.

    FORBES: Soured U.S.-China Relationship Approaches Inflection Point

  • Disney's Chinese epic Mulan has proved to be a flop with audiences in the animated heroine's birthplace, according to reports.

    BBC: Chinese unimpressed with Disney's Mulan

  • The U.S. government has grown increasingly concerned about Chinese spying on the government and U.S. corporations, prompting U.S. intelligence agencies to issue a report a year ago calling Chinese hackers from the government and private sector the world's most "active and persistent" perpetrators of industrial spying.

    WSJ: Chinese Hackers Hit U.S. Media

  • People familiar with an earlier investigation by U.S. intelligence agencies into Chinese hacker groups infiltrating U.S. networks have said most were found to have been linked to the Chinese military.

    WSJ: China Alleges Cyberattacks Originated in U.S.

  • After a reciprocal visit to the U.S. by a Chinese ping-pong team, President Richard Nixon was the first American president to visit China, and full U.S.-Chinese diplomatic relations were restored in 1979.

    FORBES: Ping-Pong Diplomacy For China, Soccer For North Korea?

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