• Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir David Richards, said ministers had not taken into account reduced force sizes.

    BBC: Defence chief Sir David Richards warns over MoD cuts

  • Last month Walter Natynczyk, the outgoing chief of the defence staff, criticised a delay in signing detailed contracts for the shipbuilding scheme.

    ECONOMIST: Problems for a much-vaunted modernisation

  • David Cameron said that the Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir David Richards was examining ideas for military co-operation with African countries.

    BBC: Terrorism in north Africa - back to the future?

  • It is chaired by the prime minister, with senior ministers and the chief of the defence staff, Air Chief Marshall Sir Jock Stirrup.

    BBC: Q&A: Strategic defence and security review

  • On Wednesday, the Ministry of Defence announced that Gen Sir David Richards is to be the next chief of the defence staff, the UK's most senior military officer.

    BBC: UK soldiers killed by rogue Afghan named by MoD

  • Earlier Lt Gen Sir Robert Fry, deputy chief of the defence staff in the run-up to the war, said the UK's role in the March 2003 invasion was crucial.

    BBC: British troops on patrol in Basra

  • Lord Inge, Chief of the Defence Staff from 1994 to 1997, argued that pirates would remain a significant problem until international shipping companies put properly trained guards on their boats.

    BBC: Peers express alarm at threat posed by Somali pirates

  • The committee will be following up this report from the spending watchdog, the National Audit Office, with assorted Ministry of Defence Officials and the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • The British and Indian foreign ministers discussed this week's visit to Pakistan by the British Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Charles Guthrie, which has caused some disquiet in India.

    BBC: Britain and India to combat terrorism

  • The following day, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, the chief of the defence staff, reaffirmed Whitehall's confidence in the brigadier, insisting that his imminent recall reflected a decision taken several months ago.

    ECONOMIST: The marine commander who was too honest for his own good

  • There will be a drum head service and an address from the chief of the defence staff and the day will conclude with one of the biggest tri-service flypasts of the Queen's reign.

    BBC: Diamond Jubilee cake baked for Queen

  • The ceremony at the Cenotaph was attended by the Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen Sir David Richards, and the professional head of the Army, Gen Sir Peter Wall, along with servicemen and women.

    BBC: Millions mark Armistice Day at events across the UK

  • "The defence secretary and I have now instructed the chief of the defence staff to work urgently with our allies to put in place the appropriate military measures to enforce the resolution - including a no-fly zone, " he said.

    BBC: David Cameron cautious over Libya ceasefire offer

  • Former chief of the defence staff Lord Craig of Radley and former adjutant general Lord Ramsbotham both called for the role of veterans minister to be transferred to the Cabinet Office as there are "violently conflicting" demands on the MOD.

    BBC: Peers call for veteran care to be 'taken away from MOD'

  • Other witnesses to be recalled include Mr Straw and former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Bryce while current Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell and Sir Stephen Wall, once Tony Blair's adviser on European affairs, will appear for the first time.

    BBC: Iraq Inquiry: Tony Blair is recalled to give evidence

  • Mayall, the deputy chief of the British Defence Staff for Operations, said the challenge now was to convince local people that the Afghan government and its allies could protect them from the Taliban.

    CNN: Britain hails 'success' of anti-Taliban push

  • Now that the story is in the public domain, the Chief of Defence Staff and I will take advice from the operational commanders about whether his deployment can continue.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Harry leak disappoints army chief

  • The chief of staff and the then defence minister eventually succumbed to public anger and stepped down, but Mr Olmert hung grimly on.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • The chief of the general staff should be answerable to the defence minister, not the other way round.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey and its army

  • Lord Astor told the opposition that assurances were being sought from the Chief of Defence Staff that these techniques would only be used by "defined people in defined circumstances".

    BBC: 'Safeguards needed' on interrogation methods

  • The French Chief of Defence Staff, Adm Edouard Guillaud, told French radio that he believed Mr Allex was already dead and accused al-Shabab of "media manipulation".

    BBC: Somalia's al-Shabab 'to kill' French hostage Denis Allex

  • The crossbench peer, who served as Labour's first chief of defence staff between 1997 and 2001, welcomed the government's commitment to a full and fundamental review of the Ministry of Defence which he said many felt was not fit for purpose.

    BBC: Defence Review debate part 2

  • Meanwhile Wednesday, Britain's defense ministry announced that Admiral Sir Michael Boyce is to retire from the post of Chief of Defence Staff next week.

    CNN: Saddam still in Iraq - UK minister

  • The army's high command, an 18-man body including the 75-year-old defence minister, Muhammad Tantawi, the chief of staff, Sami Enan, and the commanders of service branches, specialist corps and military regions, suspended the constitution, dissolved Egypt's parliament and assumed control.

    ECONOMIST: After Mubarak

  • Yet Mr Erdogan has rushed to the defence of the current chief of general staff, Necdet Ozel, thanking him for his pledge to pay compensation to the families of the Sirnak victims.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey and the Kurds

  • It says M23 leaders "receive direct military orders" from Rwanda's chief of defence staff, Gen Charles Kayonga, "who in turn acts on instructions from the minister of defence", Gen James Kabarebe.

    BBC: Q&A: DR Congo conflict

  • Last year, a report by the UN Security Council's Group of Experts said that M23 leaders "receive direct military orders" from Rwanda's chief of defence staff, Gen Charles Kayonga, "who in turn acts on instructions from the minister of defence", Gen James Kabarebe.

    BBC: Tony Blair defends Rwanda's role in DR Congo

  • The defence ministry will be headed by former IDF chief of staff, Moshe Yaalon, a Likud member.

    BBC: Israel PM Netanyahu signs coalition deal

  • He is rarely interviewed but he believes Israel is facing such a serious threat from Iran that he is willing to speak out. 10.06.57 Aston MOSHE YAALON Chief of Staff, Israeli Defence Forces 2002-2005 This Iranian regime is determined to have the indigenous know how in terms of producing nuclear bomb.


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