• Liban Egal, a Somali entrepreneur who grew up in Baltimore in America, has started work with an American-trained chemist to produce bio-diesel from animal fat, which the cattle-herding Somalis normally have in abundance, along with used oil and chemicals.

    ECONOMIST: Somalia

  • But Pfizer has a huge store of confidence in the iconoclastic work of the 53-year-old chemist Harry Howard.

    FORBES: A Quick Lift for the Blues

  • Returning home as a penniless 29-year-old was "a harrowing experience" but provided Njoku, a chemist by training, with his Eureka moment -- he realized there's a growing appetite for Nollywood films after noticing how his mother and other relatives had difficulties getting their hands on their beloved movies from Nigeria's booming film industry.

    CNN: 'Netflix of Africa' brings Nollywood to world

  • He then paid tribute to the 19th-Century educational reformer Jules Ferry and the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Marie Curie.

    BBC: Francois Hollande becomes France's new president

  • I'm a chemist by trade - I worked in chemical defence areas and then started getting involved in support to operations.

    BBC: What do UK's military scientists do on the frontline?

  • Conte, who is sixty, has a thin mustache and wears small wire-frame glasses that give him the appearance of a barrel-chested laboratory chemist.

    NEWYORKER: King of Walks

  • One chemist hopes that band-aids will no longer hurt, when ripped off.

    FORBES: Future Medicine: Pills, Platforms, And A Better Band-Aid

  • At Theravance, Merck alum Roy Vagelos lured former Merck chemist Burton Christensen, co-inventor of three antibiotics at Merck, to come out of retirement in 1998 to help create new antibiotics.

    FORBES: Germ Warfare

  • The drugs came courtesy of Kary Mullis, a Nobel prize-winning chemist, who described a new class of antibiotics that overcomes the resistance which has evolved in many species of bug.

    ECONOMIST: How to party and learn at the same time

  • As a former research chemist as well as a free-marketeer, her views carried even more weight than the usual Prime Ministerial utterances.

    BBC: Margaret Thatcher: How PM legitimised green concerns

  • Starpharma holds 33% equity in the U.S.-based privately--held Dendritic Nanotechnologies Inc. (DNT), which Raff, who is a molecular biologist, co-founded with chemist Donald Tomalia.

    FORBES: New Nano Protection Against HIV And Herpes

  • Rick Claus, an electrical engineer at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, and Jennifer Lalli, a polymer chemist at NanoSonic, a spin-out from Virginia Tech, believe they have solved this problem.


  • It seems like he is not the only person who believes thorium, a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius, could provide the world with an ultra-safe, ultra-cheap source of nuclear power.

    FORBES: Is Thorium the Biggest Energy Breakthrough Since Fire? Possibly.

  • Kelly started out as a chemist, giving her a unique non-traditional-lawyer perspective of invention and innovation.

    FORBES: The Paradox Of Open Innovation Intellectual Property

  • "He's brilliant, " says Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center chemist Samuel Danishefsky , who is collaborating with Khosla on a cancer drug.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Then in the early 20th Century, German chemist Fritz Haber invented a high temperature-high pressure technique to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.

    BBC: Leaving our mark: Fossils of the future

  • In later life, Snow insisted that by vocation he was a writer, though he trained as a chemist and did important research in infra-red spectroscopy the main tool in the 1920s and early 1930s for unravelling the structure of molecules.

    ECONOMIST: Science in fiction is not science fiction

  • A. chemist, flew to Congo with a carry-on bag containing vials of poison and a hypodermic syringe.

    NEWYORKER: Remote Control

  • She said the Laboratory of the Government Chemist was looking at what levels of cross-contamination could take place in "a well-run and hygienic plant" and testing methods were also being looked at.

    BBC: Horsemeat scandal: Public quizzed on contamination

  • He got wind of Harvard chemist George Whitesides' success in making tiny fluid-handling devices with the same type of rubber used in household caulk.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This was ironic since I would find myself in my private sector career working for The Coca-Cola Company as a flavor chemist, now for over 23 years.

    WHITEHOUSE: Engage and Connect

  • In 1885, French chemist Louis Pasteur successfully treated a patient with his anti-rabies vaccine.

    CNN: Monday,

  • But 200 years ago the young British chemist Luke Howard lay for hours gazing at the clouds--and then found a way to turn his observations into an elegant set of names still in use today.

    FORBES: Head in the Clouds

  • Rosenberg's grandfather Michael Rhodes was a chemist who in the 1950s led the invention of the water-repelling molecule at the heart of Hycrete's additive.

    FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

  • Robert Baile, 52, spent 20 years as a research chemist for Syntex Pharmaceuticals (now Roche) and five home-brewing in his basement before buying into the business in 1996.

    FORBES: Money on Tap

  • "Bristol fulfilled every contractual provision we had, to the letter, " says a still-bitter Dean Stull, Hauser's organic chemist boss.

    FORBES: Delaying tactics

  • Harfouch is the Senior Chemist at Spectra and holds the most important role in the day-to-day running of the company.

    FORBES: Jelly Beans: Which Color Is Most Popular At Easter? Why We Love Colored Foods

  • In early 2000 Lieber and another Harvard chemist, Hongkun Park, created exquisitely sensitive biodetectors by pasting molecules--an antibody, say, that is attracted only to a particular protein--to their nanowires.

    FORBES: Innovators

  • In 2008 MIT chemist Daniel Nocera concocted a very simple, very cheap, robust, self-healing and non-toxic catalyst made from cobalt and phosphate that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

    FORBES: Cheap Hydrogen From Dirty Water...Maybe

  • In the 1990s, Russian chemist Sergey Bachurin showed it had potential for improving cognition in a variety of lab-animal tests.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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