• Individuals with high fasting triglyceride levels be evaluated for secondary causes of hyperlipidemia, including endocrine conditions and medications, and that treatment be focused on secondary causes.

    FORBES: More Evidence That Omega-3 Supplements Don't Work

  • It causes relatively mild conditions in cattle and sheep, but where infection takes place during the early stage of pregnancy it can result in congenital disorders of lambs and calves, stillbirths and abortions.

    BBC: Schmallenberg virus: SBV detected in Orkney

  • Fungi, soil conditions, stunted growth and other causes have been suggested but none proved.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'A Splintered History Of Wood'

  • Hypertension chronic, abnormally raised blood pressure causes heart attacks, strokes and a multitude of other nasty conditions.

    ECONOMIST: High blood pressure may originate in the brain

  • And even though smoking and obesity are the two leading preventable causes of death, drugs to treat these conditions have been flops.

    FORBES: The Ultimate Pill?

  • In the future, it may also be approved to treat other conditions such as macular degeneration, which causes loss of vision in the elderly and affects about 2 million Americans.

    CNN: FDA approves first bionic eye

  • Although the parents opted for termination on learning the news in most cases, if left to develop, these foetuses might have suffered from chromosomal conditions such as Down's syndrome and Turner's syndrome, which causes infertility in women.

    BBC: Genetic fears over sperm retrieval

  • At this year's synod, which has just ended, the parishes urged the archdiocese to back the causes of the city's largely Latino force of caretakers and hotel workers, who want better pay and conditions.

    ECONOMIST: America's troubled Catholics

  • The business plan has to include working hours, conditions and prices related with the rent of brothel windows which seems to be one of the causes of problems because the prostitutes are forced into long working days to cover the high costs.

    FORBES: Reforming Prostitution in Amsterdam Includes a Business Plan and Business Hours

  • According to this theory it is the artificial lowering of interest rates and creation of excess credit by a central bank's monetary policy that causes investors to erroneously believe that economic conditions are better than they actually are, leading to an abundance of overconfidence.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand and the Rohingya

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