• House Republicans cast the bill as a way to force the Senate to draft a budget for the first time in four years, noting that if either house fails to do so, its members' pay would be withheld.

    NPR: Debt Crisis Averted _ But Spring Fight Still Ahead

  • "Unfortunately, the sad reality is that no one has come up with a plan that can pass the Senate and the House and be signed by President Bush, " Reid said, flanked by a celebrity cast of Democratic leadership, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd.

    FORBES: Bailouts

  • His solemn resignation statement in the House of Commons cast little light on the mystery.

    ECONOMIST: There is no alternative

  • White House Facebook page to cast your vote.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • This year marks the 65th anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation, and the first time the American people cast their vote via the White House Facebook page to decide which of two turkeys would receive the honor.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • This presence would have served us well as a hedge against the hegemonic ambitions of Iranian theocracy, and an Iraq in the orbit of U.S. power would have been less likely to cast its fate with the embattled House of Assad in Syria.

    WSJ: Fouad Ajami: Obama and the Eisenhower Standard

  • The vote this week to make these very same tax cuts permanent received overwhelming support from House Democrats, who cast 172 votes in favor of very likely ending middle class tax increases during our lifetime and they did so at the specific behest of the same Democratic president who many argue is committed to creating the American welfare state.

    FORBES: Still Believe That Barack Obama Seeks A Permanent American Socialist State?

  • Make sure all 435 House members are able to cast informed votes by giving them any accompanying "executive summary" that comes with the full Starr report.

    CNN: 'Toons

  • Revellers of all ages, nationalities and dancing abilities queue on the sidewalk for a chance to hear the spectacularly talented house band and a rotating cast of visiting musicians.

    BBC: A renaissance beyond Cartagena��s historic walls

  • This kind of talk has touched a raw nerve with Italian voters, roughly a quarter of whom cast ballots for M5S in the lower house of parliament.

    CNN: Beppe Grillo: Clown prince takes Italian election by storm

  • Tomorrow Americans cast ballots for president, for the House, and for a third of the U.S. Senate, plus various local offices and referenda in our splendid Quadriennale.

    FORBES: Look, Up In The Sky! It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's Congressman!

  • She came to public attention in 1993 with House, a life-sized cast of the interior of a Victorian terraced property in east London.

    BBC: Entertainment & Arts

  • Stewart says all you have to do is look at last year's election in Sarasota County, Florida, where 18, 000 electronically cast ballots showed no votes for a contentious House race.

    NPR: Local Election Officials Oppose Paper Ballots

  • Instead it focuses on Kazan as a theatre and film director, starting from the reasonable premise that this important career was obscured by the opprobrium cast upon Kazan after he testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952.

    ECONOMIST: American film: Big little man | The

  • This is why the less-powerful Upper House of the Diet often hosts a cast of minor celebrities including TV anchors, talk show commentators -- and even a handful of pro-wrestlers.

    CNN: Can Tokyo learn from the American political 'matsuri'?

  • But this is a Congress of a more protectionist cast of mind than either its predecessor or the White House.

    FORBES: U.S. Trade Policy Enters Uncertain Territory

  • The speaker of the House of Representatives, Denny Hastert, has cast doubt that there is enough time left in the legislative calendar to push through any major reforms before the election.

    ECONOMIST: How it happened, and what to do now | The

  • One Republican elector in West Virginia has already gone public and said that even if President Bush wins the state he might not cast his ballot for Bush because he disagrees with White House fiscal policies and the war in Iraq.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Head chef Stuart Tattersall, formerly of Hix in London, cooks in the dining room at a large open fire on a steel shelf (an idea Braka poached from a restaurant in Paris), where cast-iron pans roast potatoes and specialties of the house a rib of beef for two, a rump steak.

    WSJ: The Perfect English Country Inn

  • Their unenviable task is to convince rank-and-file Republicans to cast a vote fraught with political peril for legislation the White House has indicated Clinton will veto.

    CNN: Seeking Showdown With Clinton, Gingrich Gets One With GOP

  • Despite their failure to do anything about the House of Lords for two centuries, they have cast themselves as the true modernisers, eager for a largely-elected second chamber to hold an over-mighty executive (Tony Blair) to account.

    ECONOMIST: Constitutional reform

  • During Operation Cast Lead -- eleven days before Obama's inauguration -- the House of Representatives passed Resolution 34 siding with Israel against Hamas.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Republicans, Democrats & Israel

  • In the case of such a tie when the electoral votes are cast in state capitals on December 7, the Constitution says the newly-elected House of Representatives elects the president, with each state delegation casting one vote, and the Senate elects the vice president.

    FORBES: Close Election Hysteria: Let's Not Pick Our President In The Courts

  • Go to the White House Facebook page and "Like" and "share" their post to cast your vote.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Unions are now allowing the cast and crew of seven shows to accept 25 percent pay cuts, and an additional 25 percent of the salary for the cast of "Kiss Me Kate" will go towards purchasing and donating tickets to fill their house.

    CNN: Beleaguered Broadway fights back

  • Inside, the house is a faded daguerreotype of wood-panelled walls, brown linoleum floors and a cast-iron kitchen stove.

    BBC: Patagonia��s historic cowboy ranches

  • The main house is built around an interior courtyard adorned with an imported antique limestone fountain and a cast-iron fireplace.

    FORBES: Britney Spears' Rental Home Heads To Auction

  • Through the White House YouTube channel, nearly 228, 000 people submitted more than 133, 000 questions and cast over 1.6 million votes leading up to this interview with the President.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In it, he cast local officials as flouting the law for keeping him under what he characterized asa brutal form of informal house arrest, but avoided denigrating the central government.

    WSJ: Escape Poses New Riddle for U.S., China

  • Consider the case of Florida, the state that put George W. Bush in the White House by a margin of fewer than 300 votes out of the five million plus that Floridians cast that year.

    FORBES: Why Defense Cuts Could Doom Obama's Re-election Bid

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