• Apple Care Plus, for jailbroken iOS devices.

    FORBES: What 7 Million Jailbreaks Are Saying. Is Apple Listening?

  • Health care savings accounts plus government run catastrophic health care insurance.

    FORBES: US Incomes Are Rising But It's All Going on Health Care

  • Total spending on health care - public plus private - rose from 9.0% of GDP in 1980 to 17.9% in 2010.

    FORBES: United States

  • Here's a little background on Just Mobile: the company started off as a PDA (mainly Windows Mobile) accessory OEM in around 2005, with Huang taking care of procurement plus manufacturing, and his talkative friend Gustafsson, an ex-banker, overlooking European sales.

    ENGADGET: Just Mobile talks about working with Apple and why it manufactures in Taiwan exclusively

  • Also included is Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Housing for Special Populations (Elderly and Disabled), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Shelter Grants, the Supportive Housing program, the Single Room Occupancy program, the Shelter Plus Care program, and the Home Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere (HOPE) program, among others.

    FORBES: America's Ever Expanding Welfare Empire

  • It processed 70 million patient surveys last year from 10, 000-plus health care organizations and half of all U.S. hospitals.

    FORBES: Why Rating Your Doctor Is Bad For Your Health

  • Cisco offered to pay one-third of salary, plus full health care and options-vesting, to laid-off workers taking jobs at not-for-profit organisations.

    ECONOMIST: Corporate downsizing in America

  • Greenwood House and Welland House have 32 permanent residents plus respite and day care users, and employ 184 staff.

    BBC: Peterborough council care homes closure 'heartbreaking'

  • And the budget increased major -- it made major increases in funding for veterans' health care, including women veterans, plus the largest increase in the VA budget in more than 30 years.

    WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Announces New Funding for Military Families

  • Plus a year of medical care for a returning veteran.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon

  • Currently health care is dominated by a cost-plus mentality.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Medicare Advantage plans are privately-run and contract with the government health insurance program for the elderly to provide same benefits offered under traditional fee-for-service Medicare plus some extras like vision care, prescriptions or certain additional outpatient and wellness benefits.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • And he is confident that both the Affordable Care Act, under the 80-plus years of precedent, is constitutional, and that the Supreme Court will agree with him, as did lower courts in opinions put forward by very prominent, conservative judges.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • At one of those extremely rare presidential press conferences, Tapper asked President Obama how he reconciled his claim before ObamaCare passed that reform would lower health care costs with the fact that a new government report plus, I might add, every news story on the topic says health care costs are rising.

    FORBES: Tough Questions for Obama About ObamaCare

  • But my 30-plus years working in the health care industry has taught me that people often make costly errors when signing up, especially while choosing among Medicare Advantage plans.

    FORBES: 4 Mistakes To Avoid When Enrolling In Medicare

  • "When my husband deployed, I was working sixty-plus hours a week and suddenly taking care of our five-year-old daughter by myself, and this house, and the bills, and volunteering with the Family Readiness Group for my husband's unit " She paused long enough to light a cigarette.

    NPR: Waiting and Dreading: Families in War Time

  • Smithfield and other pork producers in the U.S. follow a set of guidelines developed by the National Pork Board, an industry group, called the "Pork Quality Assurance Plus" program that governs the feeding and care of pigs.

    WSJ: What China Can Learn From America's Hot Dogs

  • That is, the economy plus the rest of it -- including health care.

    CNN: The Sweep: What went wrong for Democrats

  • The Affordable Care Act pegs Medicare spending to the growth of the economy plus 1% with the crude across-the-board cuts to providers identified by Mr. Foster.

    WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform

  • The core of the Republican Medicare cost-reduction bill is Medicare Plus, a plan offering seniors a range of managed care plans, or HMO's, from which to choose.

    CNN: Republican Medicare plan short on detail

  • The results were shown in the first randomized phase II study comparing trastuzumab-DM1 (T-DM1) to Herceptin (trastuzumab) plus chemotherapy (docetaxel), the current standard of care for first line HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

    FORBES: Novartis Deal Bolsters Immunogen

  • The most likely situation is that the grandparents are living comfortably on the national pension, plus their own savings, and enjoying almost free medical care, while planning to enroll in a nursing care program for which they will pay only a fraction of the cost.

    FORBES: Generational Accounting and Japan's Social Welfare State

  • Plus you've got the security of being able to take care of your family for the rest of their lives.

    WSJ: Baseball Free Agency Dies of Neglect -- Matt Cain, Joey Votto, Andrew McCutchen, Matt Kemp Opt for Long-Term Deals

  • Medicare began accepting electronic claims direct from care providers, who were paid directly by Medicare, then flipping the original claim plus their payment report to the secondary insurer.

    FORBES: Time Wasters, Time Savers

  • My suspicion is that it may be a break-even proposition or, possibly, a net plus considering how many positions are likely to be created in the health care industry.

    FORBES: GOP Leadership Intentionally Distorting Obamacare As Job Killer

  • The obvious one is how to pay for a wish list including continuing commitments to universal provision of free personal care for the elderly, free prescription, free bus passes for older people, plus another three years of freezing council tax and compensating universities for the gap left when England gets a lot more tuition fee income and Scottish ones don't.

    BBC: Budget challenge

  • The phase-out of itemized deductions will add about 1.2% and he will also have to pay a combined Medicare tax rate of 3.8% (the regular 2.9% for self-employed people plus the new 0.9% surtax enacted to help finance the Affordable Care Act).

    FORBES: Connect

  • Other Mayoral activities included walking the streets dressed as Super Citizen in tights and cape to urge civic involvement on surprised citizens, plus declaring a women's night out, while men stayed home to care for the children, to reduce female fear of being molested.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Introducing Colombia��s own Obama

  • Employer-clients like Boeing, Citigroup, Pfizer and Microsoft sign contracts in which they agree to pay everything from construction costs to ongoing maintenance in return for on-site child care services for their employees' children. (Often, these employer "sponsors" will also subsidize the parents' tuition.) Under certain "cost-plus" contracts, the employer-sponsors will even shoulder some of the care center's risk in exchange for more control of the operations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But I guess you could argue that circuit court judges who ruled on this were trying to intimidate or influence the Court when they issued opinions, including very prominent conservative judges on the circuit -- court of appeals, rather -- when they issued an opinion -- opinions that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional and that it is entirely constitutional, in keeping with 80-plus years of judicial precedent.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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