• When the rebels recently organised an election for East Kasai's governorship by a show of hands at a meeting in Mbuji-Mayi's stadium, it was won easily by the president of the regional Luba party.

    ECONOMIST: Liberating Zaire is the easy bit

  • So I want, by a show of hands -- or maybe screams -- because you all scream -- how many kids, for you, is this your first Olympics that you will see or hear about?

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Let's Move! London Event

  • But should it be by a secret ballot, or a show of hands?

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • During a panel discussion of the pros and cons of a regional assembly, a show of hands amongst the 600-strong audience indicated that supporters of regional devolution outnumbered opponents by around ten to one.

    ECONOMIST: Why the North-West is getting keener on a regional assembly

  • Democratic caucus-goers express their preference through a show of hands, a sign-in sheet or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate.

    BBC: Caucus

  • Other studies, including one by University of Utah researcher Michael Strayer, show that talking on the phone, hands free or not, is equally dangerous.

    WSJ: Just Ahead: Cars That Tweet, Buy Tickets

  • Charlotte and Bob grow so fond of each other that she stays behind when John travels to Fukuyama to photograph his clients, while Bob extends his stay by agreeing to endure additional humiliation at the hands of a Japanese talk-show host think Pee Wee Herman on crystal meth just to spend one more weekend with her.

    ECONOMIST: Romance to die for

  • He asked for a show of hands: Who wants to set a date to begin side-by-side electronic trading with open outcry?

    FORBES: Last one out, shut the lights

  • The producers of "Hands on a Hardbody" announced on Wednesday that the show, commissioned by La Jolla Playhouse and currently running there, will move to Broadway this coming season.

    WSJ: Nobody Loves You | Hands on a Hardbody | Next Stop, Broadway | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout

  • The firm has found that getting welfare recipients into the rhythm of work by making them show up for a good part of the working week, coaching them for interviews and holding their hands through the early days of a new job are as successful as compulsion in reducing welfare rolls suggesting that British politicians are thinking along the right lines.

    ECONOMIST: Help, and a hard shove, for the jobless

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